Don’t Miss Don McCloskey & Boombasnap Live Tomorrow Night


Details HERE

This is Don’s first trip back to the center of the universe since The Real Cape Music Festival last summer. If you haven’t seen him play live with Boombasnap yet then you are in for a treat. Their set last summer at the fest was one of the highlights of the day. Don’s energy is infamously infectious and he seems to have an extra gear reserved just for Cape Cod.

If I were you I’d get my ass to The Beach House Saturday night. If you aren’t there? Don’t blame me when even your family stops liking you.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

I’ll Be Back On The Frank FM Morning Show With Stephanie And Steve Tomorrow

frank fm

By now you should all be listening to Stephanie and Steve in the morning anyway, but if not tune in tomorrow at 7:30 ish. If I’m going to get up that early the least you can do is suffer with me. Plus, I’m sure we’ll be talking about our new friend we made today, so that should be fun.

CLICK HERE to listen online

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

Introducing The Most Drug Dealeriest Drug Dealer Backpack Ever On Earth

dude guy

YPD – Rivera became combative swinging his arms and elbows and striking Officer Ambrosini several times. Officer Ambrosini took Rivera to the snow covered ground and continued to attempt to place Rivera’s hands behind his back and place him under arrest. Rivera ignored the repeated verbal commands and continued to resist and fight. Yarmouth Police Department Patrol Officer Sean Geary arrived and with the use of a Taser and physical force, Ambrosini and Geary were able to overcome the attack and place Rivera in custody.

Ok, now that the suspect is in custody, let’s play a game called “What’s in the most drug dealery backpack in history”.  Here is a photo of the contents of the perps backpack…


Looks like we’ve got ourselves a genuine Cape Cod starter kit right here folks. You simply can not get any more drug dealery than this. We’ve got every cliche in the book going on here, it literally looks like this dude went to Drug Mart and got the street dealer starter kit. Let’s break it down clockwise from the top right.

1. Baggies – A cop’s best friend, instantly elevates any possession charge to intent to distribute.

2. A razor blade – Not sure what it’s for, probably has lots of uses. I do know that any dealer worth his salt wouldn’t be caught dead without one.

3. Five… FIVE! electronic scales – When you are slanging shit on foot in the middle of nowhere you can’t be too prepared. Imagine the egg on the dealers face if his first four scales batteries die and he doesn’t have a fifth? Rookie shit.

4. Syringe – Must be diabetic

5. A meat cleaver – I’m a little lost on this one, does he have a rack of lamb, but wants chops for dinner? Either way it made me chuckle, he’s carrying around a MEAT CLEAVER.

6. Some sort of tools? – A stud finder maybe?

7. Five… FIVE! cell phones – Well I guess if your drug dealing trips take so long that you need five scales, then you need at least five cell phones too. I hope he’s smart enough to have different ring tones for each one or it could take forever to figure out which one is ringing and answer it.

8. The drugs – A relatively small amount when you gauge it by the amount of baggies scales and cell phones this dude is carrying. Why do you need hundreds of baggies and five scales when you have less drugs than a 75 year old diabetic?

9. $180 – This guy has more money tied up in scales and cell phones than he has ACTUAL money.

10. Knives – Is the one on the left from a Lord of The Rings Happy Meal?

In conclusion. This dude has way more accessories than he has drugs or money. Maybe he should open an electronics kiosk in the mall and start selling scales and cell phones. He seems to have much more inventory for that than he does drug dealing.

Overall it’s a nearly flawless drug dealer backpack. It’s probably the exact same thing they use in the police academy training to teach cadets what to look for in a drug dealer backpack. Just so drug dealery it almost seems fake. Overall it’s a 9.5. A simple way to improve that score? Less stuff, more drugs.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

Dude Says Police Shooting “OK” Because It’s Just “A Cocksucking Cop From Bourne”



Meet Zak Harrington. Zak is 24 years old. Zak is an asshole who thinks it’s “ok” that a police officer was shot because “it’s a cocksucking cop from Bourne”. Well Zak, this is America, you can say whatever you want because you have freedom of speech, but guess what?

So do I.

Now you’re famous… cocksucker.

P.S. The “We Stand In Awe” hat is very appropriate if it means that we stand in awe of how much of a dickwad you are.

Share this and help make Zak even more famous

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

TBT – Cape Cod Craigslist Ad Of The Day – Clean My Basement Naked In Work Boots


CL – Gen for one Day labourer (Falmouth)

Looking for a day worker who Is willing to move & clean along with organize a basement with just work boots on you don’t need to be perfect just kool . Will be very very gen for your time not looking for anything in return. 21+ DDF send a full pic no bs. Full weeks pay for a few hours.

I like how this guy puts DDF (drug and disease free) in the ad. If you find a guy on The Cape in February and he is willing to clean another dudes basement, naked, in work boots, there is a 127% chance that the guy has at least one disease or is on some kind of drug.

I think whoever placed the ad might have to lower his standards a bit. If you want a guy to organize your basement in a pair of Timberland’s and his birthday suit, you have to expect at least crabs in return. That’s just par for the course in the Craigslist naked guy wearing boots cleaning basement game.

P.S. “You don’t need to be perfect”.  Umm… yeah, no shit. I’m pretty sure you aren’t finding a nekkid Brad Pitt on the Cape Cod Craigslist in February.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

New Details Of Shootout From Bourne Police Department Press Release

bourne car burned

All evidence points to this being the act of a lone gunman and we aren’t under attack. Apparently he shot two women inside of a condo, killing one and injuring the other. The injured woman managed to call 911. When officers responded to what was also reported as multiple explosions and a a car on fire, some other “incendiary devices” got in their way. The suspect started shooting, hitting one officer in the back just below his vest.

The suspect was so well armed that at one point he had officers “pinned down” by gunfire. It would seem that this was some sort of pre-meditated act given how well armed the guy was and that he seemed to have booby trapped the area. The suspect is in custody. Great job obviously by the police, sounds like they limited the damage in a crazy situation. Hopefully this psycho is getting a “stern talking to” right at this very moment because whatever justice he gets served by the courts will not be enough.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony