Hey Martha’s Vineyard Quahogs, Who’s Your Daddy?

The Real Cape masters the art of bivalve foreplay…

MVShellfish Group2

The Real Cape took a little trip to Martha’s Vineyard the other day. I’m not one to brag but we were better than Wilt Chamberlain when it comes to daddying illegitimate children. By the time we were done we had fathered millions of shellfish. I had to take some penicillin as a pre emptive strike against red tide.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

Who Is The Bigger One Play Folk Hero In New England, Butler Or Roberts?

roberts butler

So I posted this question to Facebook and Twitter, but wanted to get a few more words in about it here. First, for the sake of this question let’s assume Malcolm Butler never plays another down for New England. If that’s the case, who is the bigger one play New England sports folk hero?

The case for Dave Roberts is pretty simple. Without that stolen base the Red Sox don’t break the curse. It leads to the first Championship in 86 years, whereas Butler’s interception leads to a 4th championship in 14 years. In that context the Butler interception is not nearly as historic.

On the other hand, Butler’s interception seals victory. It wins the game. With Roberts an entire slew of other things have to fall into place afterwards, his play just keeps them alive, Butler’s seals victory.

One thing is for sure, both of these guys will get a standing O at every game they ever attend in New England ever again.

It’s one of those questions that there is no correct answer to, but will be fun to argue at the bar. Either way, how lucky are we to even be able to contemplate such arguments? It’s good to be from New England.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

Hyannis Man Trying To Collect An $18 Loan Assaulted With Bat Gets Last Laugh

joe clark

CapeCodOnline.com – Two men are now facing assault charges following a dispute Friday afternoon over $18, according to the Barnstable police.

Christopher Scales, 46, with an address of 77 Winter St. (the NOAH homeless shelter), was arrested and charged with assault and battery and assault and battery to collect a loan, according to police Sgt. Michael Riley.

Scott Warren, 44, of Oak Bluffs, was taken to the hospital with his injuries and will be summonsed to court on a charge of assault by means of a dangerous weapon, a baseball bat.

Police were called at 2:22 p.m. to 100 North St., the Salvation Army, for reports of a fight, Riley said. The two men, who have known each other for about a week, were fighting over $18 that one loaned to the other, according to the preliminary police investigation.

Scales had loaned the $18 to Warren, the police said. When Scales attempted to collect the money Friday Warren allegedly defended himself with a baseball bat, according to the police.

This story is a bit hard to follow so I’ll re cap it for you. Dude Guy #1, whose address is a homeless shelter, lent Dude Guy #2 $18. When he tried to collect the loan at a Salvation Army, Dude Guy #2 assaulted him with a bat, but Dude Guy #1 ended up putting Dude Guy #2 in the hospital. Dude Guy #1 is still in jail because he can’t afford bail. And thus concludes the single poorest paragraph ever written.

So the big question is who wins? Dude Guy #1 is out $18 and is still in jail, but anytime someone comes at you with a bat and you put him in the hospital, that has to be considered a victory right? But wait, Dude Guy #2 still has the $18 and is not in jail, plus he was released from the hospital the same day so his injuries weren’t too severe. Looks like we’ll have to go to a tiebreaker on this one.

After further review we are naming Dude Guy #2 the official winner. The difference maker is that his permanent address is not a listed as a homeless shelter. Just like paper covers rock, house trumps cardboard box every time.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

NSTAR Is No More – Cape Cod’s Electric Company Is Now Eversource

eversource energy

CCT – NSTAR, the Cape’s electric company has a new name. As of Monday, February 2, the utility now goes by Eversource.

The name change was announced early last month. Northeast Utilities, NSTAR’s parent company, announced the new brand name for NSTAR and its sister companies including Connecticut Light and Power Company, NSTAR Gas, Public Service Company of New Hampshire, Western Massachusetts Electric Company and Yankee Gas Services Company.

Such a sly power move by NSTAR. Oh your bill just went up 30-50%? Wasn’t us, we are Eversource, that was NSTAR. 8,473 articles on the internet about the electric company poisoning us with chemicals to clear powerlines? No worries, those are all about NSTAR. Go ahead and Google it, there isn’t one article about Eversource poisoning anybody.

NSTAR trying to sneakily give themselves a clean slate. This is like if Charles Manson changed his name to Rick Johnson and became an accountant in Tucson. I don’t give a shit what your name is, you’re still an asshole.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

Winter Weather Advisory? 2-4 More Inches Of Snow? 45 mph Winds? BRING IT!

snow problems

So the winter weather advisory is officially on for Cape Cod because of 2-4 inches of snow and winds up to 45 MPH? That’s child’s play, you know who needs an advisory? Mother Nature, that’s who. That bitch just threw everything she had at us and we didn’t even flinch, now we are supposed to be scared of 2-4 inches? Take a hike sweetheart, I ADVISE YOU to move your little storm out to sea and stop embarrassing yourself. Cape Cod knows how to handle snow.

P.S. Yes, I realize some people still can’t get down their street, we cancelled like a month of school, the Cape almost got cut in half, houses fell into the ocean and Nantucket pretty much sunk into the ocean because of the last storm, but people say I’m too negative so I’m just going to pretend that we won that one and that we’re going to win this one too.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

Here’s A Recording Of This Morning’s Guest Spot On Stephanie And Steve On FRANK FM

Stephanie and Steve were nice enough to invite me on their morning show on Frank FM this morning. I may not recover from getting up at 7:45 AM for like 2 days, but it looks like we’ll be doing this every week. These are the types of sacrifices I am willing to make for the people of Cape Cod.

The Real Cape stuff starts at the 33:00 mark, but if you haven’t heard the show yet you should listen to the entire thing, and make sure to tune in to FRANK or listen online every morning for Stephanie and Steve.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony