Mashpee Man Held Two Kids At Knifepoint – Offered To Trade Them For Heroin

trade heroin baby

WCVB – A Mashpee man charged with holding his girlfriend and her two sons hostage inside her Hyannis home early Saturday offered to trade the children for heroin, according to court records cited by the Cape Cod Times.

Ciera Taylor, 19, said Matthew Sweeney, 22, held her sons, 2 years old and 6 months old, at knifepoint for hours after a physical altercation. Taylor said she managed to text a friend, who then called police.

Sweeney told arriving police officers that he was starting to get “dope sick” and he didn’t know what he would do if that happened, and then offered to trade one of the children for heroin, court records said.

As SWAT team negotiators worked to resolve the standoff, Sweeney exchanged more than 50 text messages with Taylor, who begged him to release her children to police.

“I need two grams of dope or say goodbye to (the 2-year-old) i love how u guys would rather this kid get hurt then give up some of your drugs,” read one of the text messages from Sweeney, which Taylor released to the Cape Cod Times.

“I need two grams of dope or say goodbye to (the 2-year old)?”

Kill him. No arraignment, no trial, tie him to a post on Main St. and stone him to death. I don’t care how many angry emails I get from this about addiction and how it changes people. I don’t care how sick you are about to get, if you can threaten to kill a 2 year old child unless someone gives you dope, then you aren’t just an addict, you are rotten to the core and there is no hope for you.

Think about this for a second. Think about holding a 2 year old and 6 month old by knifepoint and threatening to kill them. When normal people hold babies they turn to mush and start making ridiculous noises because they are so overcome with joy. This motherfucker stuck a knife in their faces and used them as a bartering chip for “2 grams of dope”. Fuck him, he may be an addict but he’s also a sociopath, kill him. End of story.

h/t RPV

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

New App Shows You A Pic Of The Fisherman That Caught The Fish You Are Buying

hotfisherman – After eyeing a piece of haddock on the supermarket counter, a customer scans a code and finds out the fish was caught in the waters of Georges Bank and learns the name of the fishing boat — and maybe even sees a picture of the smiling, rain-slickened fisherman who reeled it in. Welcome to the future of buying New England seafood.

Gulf of Maine Research Institute in Portland is developing the tool, which was recently awarded a $175,000 federal government grant, in cooperation with Maine Coast. Final release is about two years away and will likely take the form of a smartphone app, said Jen Levin, the institute’s sustainable seafood program manager.

Sweet, it’s like Tinder for getting fish. Scan that Striper and if a pic comes up of some scrub in a dinghy off the coast of Warwick you can just swipe left and move on to the next fish. If you scan a lobster and some strapping young lad in a shiny boat near Chatham pops up you can swipe right with confidence knowing that your lobster comes from a good family and probably won’t steal the painkillers out of your medicine cabinet.

This will probably cut down on shell fish driven food born illness as well. It’s much easier to avoid that soft shell crab sandwich when you scan it with your app and realize it came from some Guido boat off of the Jersey Shore and probably has Chlamydia. With Fisherman Tinder you can just swipe left and save yourself a trip to the clinic!

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

Has Anyone Else Completely Had It With These Green Caterpillars All Over The Cape?

green caterpillar cape cod

I just came in from walking my dog and these green caterpillars were all over both of us. In my hair, my beard, it’s disgusting. I’ve had it, they are worse than empty Fireball nips and Newport packs. Are these things worse after a snowy winter or something? I don’t remember them ever being this bad. They are so soft and squishy and gross and… and… green.

Also, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but they’re like acrobats. I purposely didn’t go anywhere near any trees on our walk, but somehow these little bastards are just floating around in mid air and clinging to us. How many people do you think accidentally ate one on their Memorial Day hot dog this weekend? Let’s just hope they all turn into moths and fly into a bug zapper soon because it’s getting to the point where I feel like they are all over me, all the time.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

The State Is Formally Moving Forward With A Third Cape Cod Bridge


Globe – It’s the most enduring of Cape Cod rituals, the snarl of traffic that traps drivers desperate to cross the canal.

Now the state Department of Transportation is advancing a way to ease the pain: a new bridge, funded by private investors.

The agency has focused on the possibility of adding a three-lane span next to the Sagamore Bridge. It would be limited to Cape-bound traffic, and drivers would pay a toll to use it. The Sagamore, meanwhile, would become a one-way, three-lane bridge to handle traffic coming off the Cape, with no toll.

A formal effort is underway to find private investors willing to pay for highway projects in exchange for toll revenue.

Oh yeah, this is a FANTASTIC idea. Add another bridge, but make said bridge and the Sagamore both one way? And they are each only three lanes? And have the one with the traffic coming to the Cape be a TOLL BRIDGE? You have to be kidding me.

What genius came up with a plan that only adds one more lane of traffic coming to Cape Cod, and then adds a toll booth to them all? And I don’t want to hear about the automatic toll paying systems. WAY more people don’t have those in their cars than do. 80% of traffic is still going to have to come to a dead stop on this new bridge.

First we hear they are putting a Dunkin’ Donuts at the Bourne Rotary and now this? Why not just put a Dunkin’ inside every toll booth and kill two birds with one stone. If you are gonna make everyone stop at the bridge anyway, you might as well stuff a couple of munchkin’s and a medium iced down their throats. Maybe even throw a gas station up there while you’re at it, why not right, what’s the hurry?

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

Sandwich Politician Wants To Be Able To Put Election Signs In Cemeteries

political signs cemeteries – If you need another example of why town politics in New England are always fun, just cross over the Sagamore Bridge and head to Sandwich.

There you’ll find David Darling, a former member of the town’s planning board who came dead last in a recent election for a seat on the board of selectmen. He has an idea that may improve his fortunes in future elections: he wants to open up more public land for posting campaign signs—including town cemeteries.

According to the Times, Darling spent most of his campaign cash on signs, but he struggled to find people who would post them.

Doesn’t get much sadder than this folks. Dude Guy spent all his campaign funds on signs but didn’t have enough friends to put them all up? He’s like the guy that spends all his money buying strangers rounds at the bar and they still don’t invite him to the after party.

It is our duty to respect our dead and put a stop to this, they can’t speak for themselves so we must speak for them. If people that are alive don’t like this guy enough to let him put his signs in their yards, we have to assume that dead people wouldn’t like him either, right? Just because they’re dead doesn’t mean they don’t have rights.

I mean come on, is nothing sacred anymore? This is the final resting place for these people, there’s just no room for exploiting the dead in politics. If Dude Guy wants to exploit people for his personal political gain, he should have to do it just like every other politician and exploit the living, breathing, hard working people. At least we know when politicians are exploiting us, the dead people won’t know what the hell happened.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

Don’t Forget To Get Your Tickets For The Puffy Elvis Island Queen Booze Cruise

puffy elvis

Tickets are moving fast, don’t forget to get yours in advance.

Come party with us on a booze cruise around Vineyard Sound and Woods Hole on the Island Queen with music from everyone’s favorite good time band, Puffy Elvis. There will be a full bar, complimentary hors d’oeuvres, great music, and good people. Oh and it’s on a boat. What better way is there to kick off the summer season?

It all goes down Saturday, May 30th, the boat leaves at 7 p.m. sharp, you better be on it!

Get your tickets soon, there are a limited amount and this is probably going to sell out fairly quickly. It’s a booze cruise, if you’ve never been on one you will realize why and be hooked immediately. Tix below…

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony