We Are Getting A Pirate Museum!


HYANNIS — Gov. Deval Patrick has signed a bill that allows the town of Barnstable to lease the National Guard Armory on South Street, which will become a pirate museum.

The bill, which was sponsored by state Rep. Brian Mannal, D-Barnstable, is one of the last remaining hurdles before developers can move forward with plans for a museum there. Patrick signed the bill Tuesday, Mannal said.

There’s two ways they could go with this. An awesome way, and a terrible way. The terrible way is to make it all serious with grainy photos and history books about Captain Kidd and crap like that. Which is most likely the way they will do it.

How absolutely awesome would it be if they went theme park with it though? Big huge pirate ship with a bar inside of it. Captain Sparrow makes you walk the plank right into a heated pool. Wenches walking around everywhere selling shots of rum. It could be like a pirate version of King Richard’s Faire but replace the giant turkey legs with… wait, what the hell did pirates eat? Fish?

Anyway, the entire thing could be sponsored by Captain Morgan and it would probably make a fortune for the town of Barnstable. I’m sure it will end up being some tourist trap that collects dust though. No chance anyone involved is nearly cool enough to actually propose the idea of a drunken paradise full of booty.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

If You Are Going To OD On Heroin, Do It In Harwich

harwich heroin

HARWICH – The Harwich Police Department will host a Narcan Education and Training program on Saturday, December 7 at 10 a.m. at the Harwich Police Station.

“The Harwich Police Department recognizes the opiate epidemic occurring within the region and our community and the impact that it has on crime and the quality of life our our residents,” said Sgt. Bob Brackett in a release.

Opioid overdose, including heroin, is a leading cause of death in Massachusetts, the release said. Narcan is a nasal naloxene that can reverse an opioid overdose.

Attendees of the Harwich training at the police station on Sisson Road will receive a free Narcan kit.

Holy shit people must be doing a ton of heroin in Harwich if the police decided they needed to start arming citizens with kits to reverse overdoses.

Isn’t this kind of like giving people a get out of jail free card though? Is it a good idea to take away one of the repercussions of an action like this? Just like fear of jail keeps people from breaking the law, fear of death is one of the big reasons people don’t do heroin. Now we just need a kit to nullify it’s addictive properties and we can all start hitting the smack.

The way it stands now, if I ever decide to start doing heroin, I’m going to Harwich to get high. I’ll lay around high as fuck in a nice target shirt like this…

target shirt

That way if I OD chances are someone that passes by will be able to Pulp Fiction me in the chest Uma style. Harwich, feel free to overdose on heroin here, someone will reverse it!

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

Santa To Land In Truro In A Helicopter


Truro – All children up to and including sixth grade are invited to welcome Santa as he arrives by helicopter at Highland Lighthouse at 9:45 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 14. Pre-registration is required by Dec. 3; sign up online at www.activityreg.com. There is a fee of $5. The event is organized by the Truro Recreation Dept. For more information visit www.truro-ma.gov/recreation or call (508) 487-1632, ext. 22 or 23.

Who says nothing cool happens on The Cape in the winter? You don’t see Santa getting choppered around Boston do you? Where do I sign up?

Hold up, what is the deal with kids only in sixth grade and below? Hey Truro Recreation department, way to crush my dreams.

Seriously though if I was in 7th grade in Truro I would be PISSED. I can’t imagine the list of things to do for a kid in Truro on December 14th is very long. Little Timmy will be sitting around reading Tolstoy by candlelight while, only because he was born a year later, his little brother is re enacting A-Team scenes with Santa Claus.

I feel you Timmy, kick your brother’s ass when he gets home and blame it on your local government.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

Young And Ambitious On Cape Cod? Take A Hike

Wellfleet Sea Salt Company
WELLFLEET — After months of trying to find a small property on which to produce the salt they bottle and sell, Hope Schwartz-Leeper and Zachary Fagiano, the 22-year old founders of the Wellfleet Sea Salt Company, have found the ideal spot — a small parcel of land owned by Lyle Butts of Bay Sails Marine at 35 Designer’s Row. But once again, the young couple who hope to be able to run their company in Wellfleet have met with another obstacle.

The above is just an excerpt, I highly suggest you read the entire article because it encompasses everything that is wrong with Cape Cod.

The story of Wellfleet Salt Company completely reinforces the stereotype that Cape Cod is not a place for young people with ambition and great ideas. If you live in Wellfleet you should seriously consider going to your towns December 5th meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals and booing the shit out of anyone who votes against Hope and Zachary.

The rest of us should go to their website and buy some of their salt, show them they are wanted.

No we do not know these two and have never spoken to them, we just tend to like young, ambitious Cape residents with cool local business ideas that result in jobs, use no electricity, no water, and cause zero pollution. Too bad most of the people in charge don’t agree.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

The Spay Waggin’ Is Coming To Hyannis

spay waggin'

Patch – The Animal Rescue League of Boston’s (ARL) Spay Waggin’ will make a stop at Cape Maid Farms on Route 28 in Hyannis on Tuesday, December 10.  The mobile spay/neuter unit performs affordable surgeries and other preventive healthcare for dog and cat owners in financial need on the Cape and South Shore.

Most people reading this have probably come by a few humans in Hyannis they wouldn’t mind getting a visit from the Spay Waggin’.

Kind of a great idea when you think about it. A mobile vasectomy wagon could pull right up to all the places it is really needed the most. Oh you just spent 3 hours in Wal-Mart because you couldn’t pass by the mini Subway without getting a Footlong? Come on out to the parking lot, you just won a Flat Screen for being the 20,000th shopper. It’s right in there, yup right in the back of that big truck over there…

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

Psst… Hey Cape Cod, Your Anti Radioactivity Pills Are Expired


Here’s an interesting little story. I don’t recall getting the memo about potassium iodine pills being distributed in the first place, let alone the fact that they expired 3 months ago, but we do live pretty close to a Nuclear Power Plant.

PROVINCETOWN — Potassium iodide tablets will be dispensed to Provincetown residents from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 10, at the Veterans Memorial Community Center, 2 Mayflower St.

The Mass. Dept. of Public Health recently replenished existing supplies of potassium iodide (KI) tablets to communities in Cape Cod and the Islands. KI is an iodide salt that has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for use as a “thyroid blocking agent” to protect the thyroid should an emergency at a nuclear power plant occur that involves a release of radioactive iodine. The tablets can be used in addition to other public health protective measures, such as sheltering or evacuation. KI that was provided to communities in Cape Cod and the Islands in 2007 expired in September of 2013.

Are these tablets important you ask? Well let’s look at the alternatives that are available to prevent having your skin melt off if Pilgrim Power Plant melts down. (Disclaimer: I’m not 100% sure that actually happens)

First is sheltering. Let me ask you something? How many of you know of a building that is a fully sealed environment in which all air flow passes through Hepa filters? Yeah thought so. That one is out.

Now for number two. I am pretty sure whoever came up with this has never once tried to drive off Cape on a Sunday in the summer.


Are you fucking kidding me? If this is our other option then I want a potassium iodine filled key chain, actually scratch that I want two tablets sewed under my skin for safe keeping.

How on earth can someone write down the words Cape Cod and evacuation in the same sentence and not immediately punch themselves in the face? I’m really close to going on a Cape Cod Times level rant about Wicked Local. I guarantee whichever “staff writer” that wrote that article has never been to Cape Cod. How am I so sure you ask?


KI that was provided to communities in Cape Cod and the Islands

IN? IN? Get the fuck outta here with that! I got news for you Wicked Local, you are not “local” if you say IN Cape Cod. You are never IN Cape Cod. Ever. You are ON Cape Cod. First you get all cute with that “Wicked” crap, then you tell us to just casually drive off Cape alongside every other resident all at once, and finally you top it off with an “in Cape Cod’?

Fuck off Wicked Local, you are officially on notice. Get your shit together.

P.S. Anyone saying to themselves that the threat of Nuclear meltdown is the least of our worries may want to read this.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

The Cape Codshank Redemption

brooks was here

BREWSTER — Authorities are looking for a prisoner who walked away from a work detail on Cape Cod.

David Nickerson, of Brewster, was nine months into a two-year sentence for drunken driving and other charges… The 60-year-old Nickerson walked away from a work detail at the Brewster fire station on Wednesday, and remained at large on Friday.

Police said Nickerson, who is about 5 feet, 7 inches tall and 150 pounds, was last wearing blue jeans, dark boots and a gray sweatshirt or blue jacket that identified him as an inmate.

But he’s old and tiny! Call off the search!

90% of the people reading this have seen Shawshank Redemption at least 90 times. It’s physically impossible to click past it if you see it on television. Just immediate paralysis of clicker finger.

Likewise any one of us would probably give a toe to be able to be in that room and stop Brooks from hanging himself. Tell him to just hold on a little longer and Red and Andy will take him to paradise.

Well we couldn’t save Brooks, but now is our chance. I say we band together and all promise that we won’t turn David Nickerson in if we see him. This is our chance at redemption, Cape Codshank Redemption. Let’s do for David what we all wish we could have done for Brooks!

The only catch is that David has to be at least as cute as this…


At least that cute, or no deal, throw his old ass back in the slammer.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony