Bank Robbery In Hyannis – Did You Realize How Easy It Is To Rob A Bank?


Barnstable Police are seeking information about a man who robbed the Eastern Bank, 375 Iyannough Road, around 12:30 p.m., Wednesday, Dec. 4.

The suspect implied he was armed and left the scene with cash, according to

As I was reading this I thought about something that got me thinking. Wait, what? Anyway, it seems like more often than not when I read a story about a bank being robbed, the police are always “seeking information” about the perpetrator, not locking him up. So I decided to do a little research. After an exhaustive Google search which led to two link clicks and the scanning of nearly 5 paragraphs, I found this out…

In the United States Of America in the year 2012 bank robbers were successful 60% of the time. Sixty. Freaking. Percent. No joke up until today I would have guessed that the average person had about a 2% chance of robbing a bank and getting away with it. Is this the best kept secret in the crime game right now or did people know this?

Do you know how many players in the NBA hit 60% of their baskets? TWO. Professional basketball players have less of a chance of hitting a jump shot than you do at getting away with a bank robbery. Not even 60% of dentists recommend sugarless gum. Anyone not robbing banks is just giving away money right now, but if you are a criminal and you are doing anything other than robbing banks then don’t cry to me when you don’t make millions and end up in jail.

P.S. Shit, did I just drop myself under 60% by publishing my fondness for robbing banks?


Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

Someone Is Posing As A Dead Sagamore Soldier On Facebook

soldier facebook

SAGAMORE BEACH – When Lisa Pucino-Haglof heard from a friend that someone claiming to be her brother Matthew Pucino – a Green Beret who died in Afghanistan in 2009 – tried to “friend” him on Facebook, she was disgusted.

But this isn’t the first time impostors have used her brother’s likeness on social networking sites, she said.

“His pictures and name were used on a dating site before, and we had that taken down,” said Pucino-Haglof, 34, of Sagamore Beach. “I don’t understand why someone would want to do this.”

Army Staff Sgt. Matthew Pucino, 34, was killed on Nov. 23, 2009. He was on his third tour of duty in Afghanistan when the vehicle he was in was hit by an improvised explosive device.

But Pucino-Haglof is not satisfied with the way Facebook has handled things.

“This is not rocket science,” she said of how simple it would be to confirm that an imposter is at work. “It would take two minutes.”

She worries that others could be posing as fallen veterans, using their likeness and name for personal gain. “Unless someone notifies you, you could miss it,” she said of false profiles.

Pucino-Haglof said she and many of the nearly 1,000 people who have “liked” the Pucino foundation page have sent complaints to Facebook, but have heard nothing back.

“They have measures. They have the ability to figure this out quickly,” she said of Facebook. “They should show respect for him.”

Calling the ordeal “such a betrayal,” Pucino-Haglof just wants peace for her brother.

“He’s a hero. He fought and died for this country. Let him rest in peace.”

Yes I know we talked about how Sagamore is not on The Cape in this post, but I don’t give a shit, close enough in this case. Everyone needs to know about this. I don’t even understand the motive behind it? Someone did this just to be able to trick people into accepting their friend request so they could creep on their profiles? Have you ever heard of such a shitbag move?

If you were making a list of disgusting people, there would be people who kill puppies, people who rape handicapped people, terrorists, and then right above all of those at the top of the list would be the guy who fakes a dead soldiers profile on Facebook so he can become friends with chicks and creep on their bikini pics from their Hawaii trip. (not that we do that ladies)

Death penalty for whoever is behind this.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

Review: Brazen Belles – Yes We Have Burlesque On Cape Cod

Brazen Belles

Find Brazen Belles on Facebook or visit their website

Burlesque is defined by the first result in a Google search as “a variety show, typically including striptease”. While that opening sentence most likely gave every male reader of this website all the motivation they need to buy a ticket to a Brazen Belles show in the next 8 seconds, I feel compelled to expand on the subject.

The first time I saw Brazen Belles perform I expected it to be good. It would take astronomical levels of irrational self confidence to go through all the trouble of producing and performing an entire Burlesque show if you sucked at it right? Well what I saw was not good, and I use this word with a staunch record of heterosexuality, it was spectacular.

Brazen Belles are hilarious in a way that manages to be intellectually stimulating and aww shucks cute at the same time. The diverse numbers pull off an authentic down home Americana vibe complimented with just the right amount of sexy as hell naughtiness. Oh and holy shit can they sing. As funny and sexy as they are, the quality of the singing may be the most surprising aspect to a newcomer and it is most certainly the backbone of the show. You can’t fake raw talent.

While a Brazen Belles show is definitely a throwback and certainly made me want to put on a derby hat, shoot some whiskey and spit in a brass spittoon, it is most certainly not entirely derivative. A welcome dose of pop culture is sprinkled throughout the night that results in a perfect blend of retrospective sensibility and contemporary attitude.

Women make up at least half the audience at every show I’ve been to and they all love it, but I can only speak from a man’s perspective. In a nutshell, if you could stir the ingredients of a Brazen Belles show into a pot and create one woman from it, she would be every mans ideal wife. Funny, rebellious, cute, naughty, smart, and sexy? Yes please.

Would you like to make my Brazen Belles Perfect Woman Stew? Here are the instructions: Add cute and funny with a pinch of naughtiness to a pot and bring to a boil, throw in intellect and sexiness with a touch of rebelliousness and reduce to a simmer continuing to stir, just before serving add a liberal amount of raw talent to finish the dish. Serve warm. Voila, a Brazen Belles show.

Brazen Belles are putting on three shows on December 19th, 20th and 21st at The Landfall Restaurant in Woods Hole. You can get tickets online by following this link or in person at Eight Cousins Bookstore in Falmouth. Do yourself a favor and get tickets soon, they sell out quickly. You will not regret it.

Find The Belles on Facebook or visit their website.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

Do You Tip The Cable Guy?

cable guy

We need your help again folks. Today’s argument is whether or not you tip the cable guy. I for one am a firm believer that the cable guy is like an electrician or a plumber and you don’t need to tip them, they do just fine. In fact if I was a cable guy I’d be offended by a tip. They aren’t delivering a pizza, these guys are trained professionals making a good salary, not $2.75 an hour. What’s next, tipping your dentist?

Please vote below so we can see where the general public stands on this.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

Cape Cod Craigslist Ad – Copper Mailbox (Good Luck)

copper mailbox

Craigslist – Steel copper plated mailbox used condition but unique piece for a cape cod look great for cottage or summer home. $40 obo

I hate to break it to whoever posted this ad, but I don’t think your mailbox is going to sell. You’d have to be an idiot to put a copper mailbox on the street on The Cape. Crackheads are cutting the pipes out of outside showers and shit on a daily basis around here. That mailbox wouldn’t stand a chance. It would probably get stolen before you even got back in the house after setting it up.


Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

Man Arrested In Barnstable For Selling Crack While Out On Bail For Selling Crack


Patch – Barnstable Narcotics Detectives arrested a 49-year-old man on Monday, Dec. 2, for trafficking in cocaine. This is the second time in two months the man was arrested for allegedly distributing crack cocaine in the area.

Barnstable Police established surveillance on Timothy Ellerbe and followed him to a drug supplier in Wareham. Ellerbe was stopped on Route 6, where he was found with approximately 28 grams of crack cocaine hidden in a wristband.

He was placed under arrested for Trafficking in Cocaine 28-100 grams.

Ellerbe was out on $5,000 bail for the same charge for an Oct. 9 incident.

Yeah, yeah another crack arrest I know it’s not a revelation or anything. The reason this one sticks out to me is in the details. My man Timothy seems like a career crack dealer right? I mean he was arrested for crack while out on bail for crack, that’s about as cracky as a crack dealer can be.

So wouldn’t you think he would be aware of the way they rate crack dealers on this 28-100 gram scale? Seems to me that getting caught with 28 grams is just a waste of an arrest. You have to go 27.9 in that situation don’t you? I have no idea what .1 of a gram of crack is worth, but it can’t be worth bumping you up into the next crack bracket.

Go 27.9 or go 100. Anything in between is just uncivilized.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

Today In Cape Cod History, Billionaire Stomach Punch!

Bill Koch

CCD – On this day in 2000, a charge of domestic assault and battery filed against billionaire yachtsman Bill Koch, future co-chairman of the anti-wind farm Alliance to Protect Nantucket Sound, was dismissed, according to a story the following day in the Cape Cod Times.

“In July,” the Times reported, “Angela Koch called the Barnstable police to the couple’s Oyster Harbor home, claiming her husband had punched her in the stomach and threatened to hurt his 14-year-old son from a previous marriage.”

“She obtained a restraining order prohibiting Koch from staying in the marital homes in Oyster Harbor and Palm Beach, Fla., while she was in residence,” the Times story stated. “The restraining order expired in September. The Kochs are divorcing in a Florida court.”

Yawn, just your typical feel good “This day in the history” post. “Oh honey look! Remember that time Bill Koch gut punched his wife? Those were the days!”

You have to be very, very rich to have this be one of the things Cape Codders should look back and reflect on today.

How many other people on Cape Cod do you think have had charges dismissed on this day in all of its history? You know you are rich if when it happens to you it’s news to people then. But when thirteen years later it is recounted in a “Today In Cape Cod History” article as one of three events deemed worthy of our remembrance? That is when you know that you are FILTHY fucking rich.

By the way he just bought a new house on The Cape for $19.5 million. If you have a spare $15 million around you can buy his old one.



Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony