TBT: Real Cape Cod Geography – A Letter To Wareham, Plymouth Etc.

(today’s throwback thursday post is from nov. 26th 2013)

Dear Wareham, Plymouth etc.,

This letter was inspired by this sticker. Whoever made this should be bound, gagged and sent via UPS as far from The Cape as possible, never to return.

cape sticker2


This is an abomination.

Here it is, this is the absolute concrete final word on what is Cape Cod and what is not:

cape map


End of argument and we don’t want to hear another word about it.


Real Cape Codders

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

Comments 15

  1. wanna be's – Wareham / Plymouth you have no claim to cape cod, its a clearly divisible line. There is no logical reason these places should even consider even in the slightest fashion that they are Cape Cod, and their inhabitants are Cape Codders. This mere fact that somehow people of Wareham/Plymouth have brainwashed New Englanders to believe that they are apart of Cape Cod is asinine at best. If they want to dig a canal on their border to the rest of Massachusetts and call themselves something else, be my guest, but even if they did, they still wouldn't be Cape Codders. Even the islanders realize they aren't cape codders, thats why they refer to it as Cape Cod & the Islands. Another thing that has me peeved is this whole Plimoth business, its Plymouth, has been for as long as I can remember, why now do they need to rename it for no good reason?

  2. Not many people in wareham/plymouth want to be associated with cape cod which is why they moved to the 'good side' many moons ago so no need to worry who's claiming your man made peninsula or not

  3. Cape Cod sucks. I worked at Capizzi Home Improvement for years and got to see tons of this so called wonderland. But in reality, most of it is all the same ol' shit everywhere. I'm from little/big Wareham and nobody I know claims to be a "cape codder". Why would we? Bunch of yuppies and old money. Screw the boring ass Cape.

  4. I agree with this wholeheartedly. However! This bumper sticker is made by the cat gift shop off 28 (the Black Cat?) in Yarmouth. It's supposed to be a cat head, folks! Stop freaking out.

  5. I agree with this wholeheartedly. However! This bumper sticker is made by the cat gift shop off 28 (the Black Cat?) in Yarmouth. It's supposed to be a cat head, folks! Stop freaking out.

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