Insane Tony’s Lunch Hour – Support Cape Open Mic Nights From House of Bud’s To J.R. Brody’s

mic smoke

Back when I was a 21 year old semi-sane Tony, I remember some some of the best nights out were going to open mic nights. Now as a more experienced Insane Tony it seems that the open mic nights are fading away. For you un-fun, not going out to see live music people that don’t know what open mic night is let me break it down for ya.

These nights devoted to open mic have a wide range of musical talent from acoustic guitar singer/songwriters to hip hop acts. Then throw in some guitar ripping metal, a dash of poetry and maybe a stand up comedian. It’s like iTunes puked all over the place holding a microphone. That was the thing I loved the most about these nights, you would get a taste of every genre. Also it would bring out a wide range of people that were all there to support the local talent. It also gave me an opportunity to see artists I usually wouldn’t go out to see. The other highlight of these nights are when the artists collaborate with one another.

I know some will say “Tony you big fat dummy it’s winter time on the Cape.” After years of research about winters here I have come to the conclusion that you can in fact still have fun. Although the open mic nights seem to be dying off, I know for a fact that Joe’s in Orleans, House of Bud’s in Hy-town and J.R. Brody’s and Grumpy’s Pub in Fal-town are resurrecting this boner-riffic night. So I am putting every spot with an entertainment license on notice, do yourself and the local talent in your area a favor and help bring the open mic night back to life.

See this is the type of collaboration I’m talking about. Acoustic hip-hop? Yes please.


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