Well it looks like my irrational fear of sharks isn’t so irrational after all. For those of you new to this site I’ve documented this growing fear here, here, and here. We’ve learned in those posts that there are hundreds of millions of sharks, that they live 50 years longer than we ever thought and have old man strength, and that sometimes they walk right onto land.
We also know that there are enough seals around the Cape at this point to create an all you can eat buffet for Great Whites. When you combine all of these things together there is only one logical conclusion. SWIMMING POOLS.
Here is the video, now who wants to go for a swim?
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony
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Why did you have your spear out?
They come on land! Read the article!
Hahaha touché
holy cow!!!!!!!!!!!
I Remember the Land Shark's.. they had the on Saturday night Live too.
No.. it's a Shark
Falling coconuts and vending machines kill more people per year than sharks. Irrational fear, indeed.
What specific part of the bay was the shark in?
kill it
They are a tuna harpoon boat they thought it was tuna. They are in the same marina that I lobster out of.
Beautiful video. There would be no need to kill it, since it was not attacking anyone. They have a right to live in their own environment .
Why is everyone freaking out? It's a shark, it's the ocean, this area is overrun with their food (seals). Surfers out west regularly come into contact with them…just another day on the coast. Don't wear a wetsuit so that you look like a seal and you should be just fine.
no wonder they bite..everyone who sees them from a boat chases them
Now I'm afraid of coconut trees!
They're a bit less common on the east coast.
In the water…
I believe there are far less shark attacks than car accidents. We cannot live our lives in fear.
In the USA less than one person per year gets killed by a shark. in contrast, 20 are killed by cows, and 53 by bees. I saw a cow earlier today and heard a bee buzzing (cue Jaws music).
yea but if we all lied in the water to equalize the stats I think more people would die by sharks then bees
Never had a Vending machine.. Nor a Coconut try eating me though….!!!
Sandwich Basin… more than likely came through Cape cod Canal… like everything else does on Cape