Ghost Spotted In The Flames Of A Centerville Home

Centerville Fire Ghost

Coast to Coast – Last night I covered a fire and my footage aired on several Boston stations as well as Hyannis News. here’s a link to last night’s story. People have pointed out an a figure in my top photo. some say it’s either an angel or a ghost.

You are out of your mind if you don’t think that is 100% a ghost. It is literally the only possibility here. Sure people might try to say that the fireman on the left is spraying water directly at the window with a hose but that doesn’t even make sense. Since when do firemen spray water towards burning houses? Ghost is the only explanation here. Mark it down. From now on ghosts are real. The argument is over, we have the proof.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

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