Cape Cod Hotel Named #1Budget Hotel In America By Trip Advisor – #2 In The World

seacoast inn cape cod

Daily Mail – A small motel in Massachusetts has been named as the best budget hotel in America after receiving top ratings from TripAdvisor travellers.

The Seacoast Inn in Hyannis, where rooms start from just $89 a night, fought off competition from across the country to come out on top in the 2015 Travellers’ Choice awards.

The awards were based on millions of reviews left over the past year by holidaymakers on travel website TripAdvisor and took into account quality, service, staff, food and location.

Is #1 good? That’s pretty good right?

Cape Cod is continuing it’s crawl out of the retirement home cellar and regaining its former elite vacation destination status before our very eyes. You hear that America? $89 a night. Even poor people can afford to frolic on the sandy beaches of The Cape!

P.S. While you’re here, make sure to check out the half price apps at Shanghai, I hear they are amazing.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

The Fun Police Are “Attacking” The Shooting Range In Barnstable

gun range – The Town of Barnstable recently received approval from the state to swap out a parcel of land to be used for conservation, possibly allowing the town’s shooting range to reopen.

But opponents of the range say they are not through with the fight, according to opponent Hillary Sandler.

“Our next line of attack will be up at the Legislature because it will need two thirds vote in both the state senate and house in order to proceed with the land swap,” Sandler said.

Opponents of the range say they want the property to be used for conservation purposes with walking and bike trails.

Let me ask a quick question. Are there any trails on town land in Barnstable where people can take walks? There are? Good. Any other place on town land with a shooting range? No? Ok.

So maybe what people like Hillary Sandler should think about before planning their “next line of attack” against what a piece of PUBLIC land is used for, is that not everyone necessarily likes to do what they like to do. Not every single piece of public land should be used for just their hobbies.

I don’t like walking or biking and I don’t like shooting guns so it makes no difference to me. Call me when you are using public land to install couches, flat screens, Keno and beer taps and maybe I’ll get off my ass and come to a meeting. The point here is this, just because you don’t shoot guns, doesn’t mean other people shouldn’t have a place to do it. There’s nothing worse than a self righteous “activist” that only thinks about themselves.

This is day one kindergarten shit really, it’s a big world out there, it’s about time the fun police learn to share it with people who aren’t exactly like them.

P.S. Just a quick reminder, this range already exists and these people want to take it away, it’s not some nature reserve that gun nuts want to turn into a range.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

Shanghai Restaurant Seeks License Extension To Sell Off Food Supply

shanghai2 – The owners of a Ridgewood Avenue restaurant that had its food and alcohol license revoked Monday after officials ruled that the establishment has turned into a haven for cocaine and heroin dealers have requested an extension, according to the Barnstable Licensing Authority.

The Shanghai Chinese Restaurant was supposed to close by Jan. 19, but an attorney for the restaurant’s co-owners Bao Feng Gao and Yong Sheng Ding sent a letter to the licensing board Thursday asking to keep the restaurant open until Jan. 31 so they can sell off some of the remaining food.

I think everyone reading that just had the exact same reaction… EEEEEWWWWWWWW!!!!!

Come on now, I like heroin infused spare ribs as much as the next guy, but how much MSG is in that shit if it’s still even in the shape of food? What kind of absolute lunatic would actually eat anything at the Shanghai between now and January 31st? You’d have to have a death wish to pull a stunt like that.

The booze is a different story though. Hey Shanghai, throw up some dollar fifty Mai Thai’s and The Real Cape crew might make a field trip for some day drinking and one last celebratory 20 rock. Tiger blood Tuesdays for the win!

thanks to P. Gordon for the tip

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

The Real Cape Presents Comedian Lenny Clarke Live On Cape Cod This Thursday

lenny clarke cape cod

Break out the Depends and get ready to pee yourself laughing. This Thursday the 22nd we’ve got Lenny Clarke along with Dave Russo and Christine Hurley live at The Beach House. The last time Lenny was here he brought the house down, just absolutely hilarious stuff.

There are a limited amount of tickets for this show so be sure to get yours in advance by CLICKING HERE. This is a benefit for Falmouth Youth Football so it’s a double win, you get to laugh your ass off and help local kids.

Join the Facebook event page HERE

Get your advance tickets online HERE

Follow: Lenny ClarkeDave RussoChristine Hurley

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

I Bet You Didn’t Have A Worse Day Than These Fishermen In Wellfleet Yesterday

naviator sunk

This is why I have the utmost respect for fisherman. Imagine if there was a distinct possibility that when you show up for work in the morning your office may have sunk the night before? Everything is stacked against these guys, mother nature, the government, environmentalists, everyone makes their lives miserable,  but everyone still wants their fish and chips for under $10.

Listen I’m all for conserving our fisheries and stocks of fish, but it seems like some people see the fishermen as the bad guys. Believe me it’s not these smaller local guys fault, you think they want to be out of a job in a few years? If anything they are the ones we should be listening to on how to keep fish stocks up, not some guy behind a desk with an agricultural degree from Iowa State.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

The Bloodbath Continues At The Cape Cod Times

cape cod times – Cape Cod Media Group announced Thursday that it will move the printing and packaging of the Cape Cod Times and its other publications from Hyannis to Providence, Rhode Island, by the end of March, affecting an undisclosed number of jobs on the Cape.

In a memo Thursday to staff, Cape Cod Media Group president and publisher Peter Meyer said the decision was rooted in the cost to update the printing plant’s equipment. “Unfortunately, the type and age of our equipment does not allow us to effectively compete for additional printing work,” Meyer wrote in the memo.

In addition to the Times, the production center at 40 Communication Way, in Independence Park, now prints The Barnstable Patriot; The Inquirer and Mirror of Nantucket; The Standard-Times of New Bedford; the five Hathaway Publishing weekly papers, which cover Bristol and Plymouth County communities; and a variety of other publications. Printing and packaging of all of those publications will be done at the facilities of The Providence Journal by the end of March.

Just so there is no misunderstanding on this one, I want to preface this by saying that we are very pro Cape Cod Times here at The Real Cape. The Cape Cod Times is a hugely integral part of Cape Cod and without it the people on this peninsula would have a serious void in their ability to get local information. I have interacted with the editor of the paper and found him to be very sincere and down to earth.

I have also personally met some people that work there and like them all, some I would consider friends. This is NOT about the people that work at The Cape Cod Times so please, do not attack me in the comments because your best friend’s sister’s boyfriend brother’s girlfriend works at 31 Flavors with some guy that knows a Times reporter, ok? OK.

With that said it’s getting really hard to support the Cape Cod Times these days. Since GateHouse got control of them they have been about as “local” as Wal Mart. First they moved their editorial and design department to Texas, yes Texas. Now they are moving the entire printing and packaging operation not just off of Cape Cod but out of state? What’s next, are they going to hire some chick in Chicago to write awful lists about being “from” Cape Cod?

Maybe it’s time for The Real Cape to hire some real journalists and provide insightful edi… JUST KIDDING! We’ll stick to snarky, sophomoric humor and calling out morons, we know which side our bread is buttered on.

P.S. It absolutely amazes me that anyone still reads physical newspapers. The last time I picked up an actual newspaper and tried to read it I felt like I was reading a history book the shit was already so outdated. All I could picture was some 97 year old guy wearing a fedora with a press badge wedged in the banding sitting in an office with a typewriter and writing about the threat of Polio.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony