Steamship Authority Rate Hike Will Stay Even Though Everyone Hates It


steamship – The Steamship Authority’s raised rates will stay in place but the boatline’s Martha’s Vineyard representative says he will reach out to islanders who protested the rates.

Marc Hanover said he has learned a lesson over the past few weeks as an online petition posted by Oak Bluffs resident Todd Rebello garnered more than 2,800 signatures asking the boatline board to repeal its most recent rate hike.

“What I’m finding actually, is they’re more upset about lack of communication with what’s going on at the Steamship Authority than they are about the dollar, to be honest with you,” he said.

He said he is scheduling a public meeting to take place in March at Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School on the issue. The exact time and date have not yet been set, but he said he expected it to be March 10 or 11 and at 6 or 7 p.m.

Today we are going to play a little game called simple solutions to complex problems. Since the Steamship Authority powers that be seem to be genuinely shocked that a rate hike pissed off people that live on the Vineyard, so shocked in fact that they are having a meeting to discuss the shockiness, they obviously need a little help on this one.

I won’t be able to make the meeting, so maybe someone could just read this for me. The solution to the problem of how to raise fares by $1 and generate more revenue without pissing off islanders is… ready?

Raise the rates $2 for tourists and keep them the same for residents.

*drops mic and walks away

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

Should We Be Worried About The Acid In Cape Cod Waters?

acid ocean cape cod – Farther south still, near Cape Cod in Massachusetts, the worry is so-called “sea butterflies,” tiny marine snails that live low on the food chain and are – like the oysters and clams – threatened by a process known as “ocean acidification.”

“We’re acidifying the oceans,” said Mark Green, a professor of environmental science at Saint Joseph’s College in Maine. “We don’t know exactly what’s going to survive and what’s not, but there will be extinctions.”

Ocean acidification is sometimes referred to as “the other carbon dioxide problem,” and it’s exactly what the name implies: the gradual increase of acid in the world’s waters. It’s fueled by the burning of fossil fuels and the massive amounts of carbon that releases. A good chunk of that is absorbed by the world’s oceans, making the water more acidic.

Great, like we didn’t already have enough to worry about, add “ocean acidification” to your list of things that will probably kill you. Although I’m sort of on the fence with this one. Rising Acid levels in the ocean may kill some “sea butterflies”, but there could be some very positive side effects as well.

Acid oceans could be a cure for all the shitty music that’s so popular these days. Sick of your teenagers blasting Justin Bieber? Send them for a swim in the acid ocean and they’ll come out singing the Beatles White Album.

Feeling stressed by life’s mundane daily crap? Go for a swim in the acid ocean and you’ll come out realizing that matter is merely energy condensed to a very slow vibration and that your body is only a vessel for your life force,so anything that happens in this realm is really meaningless compared to the eternal connection you have to everything in the universe.

Although, on the flip side, if acid oceans kill the shellfish, married men on Cape Cod won’t be able to pump their wives full of White Zin and oysters at a raw bar a few times every summer and get some drunken road head on the ride home, so I guess it’s kind of a toss up really.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

We’ll Be On FRANK FM With Stephanie And Steve at 7

That’s right I’m up earlier than I’ve been since 9th grade to be the first ever on air guest on the new FRANK FM show with Stephanie and Steve. I’ll be on with DJ Alvzie talking about… Who knows really, most likely I’ll offend everyone and never be asked to be on the radio again so don’t miss this one. Call up and ask some questions, tell me you hate me or whatever you want. Their number is 508-778-9350.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

Today’s Proof That God Loves Cape Cod – A New Local Brewery!

devils purse brewing

Well would you take a look at what we found on Twitter and Facebook. A prettier sight these eyes have never seen…

Cape Cod has another brewery! Hallelujah! There’s not much information out there except that it’s in South Dennis and has a really cool name. The website is a one page deal and their Twitter and Facebook accounts are pretty barren, but judging by that pic the beer should be flowing fairly soon. We just wanted to let the people at Devil’s Purse Brewing know that we welcome them with open arms, and we are always available for media tours, tastings, product reviews, you name it. Anything that gets us beer. We are shameless when it comes to beer.

P.S. Disclaimer to Devil’s Purse, if we love it we’ll tell a few hundred thousand people, but on the flip side, if it sucks? We’ll tell a few hundred thousand people. You know, because of the whole “real” thing.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

The Big Chili Contest On Martha’s Vineyard Is Just Days Away!


It’s getting closer! The biggest party of the winter is this Saturday. There are only a handful of tickets left so get them quickly by CLICKING HERE. If you are a rookie and you’re coming from off islands, get tot the ferries early because they will be packed like it’s summer time. There will be shuttles waiting at the terminal on the island to bring you to the P/A club and back to the ferry so no worries about on island transportation.

In addition to all the great Chili, there is also great music and dancing provided by The Mariachi Mexico Lindo Band,  Johnny Hoy & the Bluefish, The Baha Brothers Jimmy Buffet Tribute Band and the Cape’s DJ Alvzie spinning all your favorites.

New this year will be a Pre Chili Party on Friday night Jan 23rd at the Oceanview Restaurant on Chapman Ave. in  Oak Bluffs sponsored by The Real Cape, Corona, mvyradio and with appearances by Jenny Johnson and the Cape’s own DJ Alvzie. 10 pairs of tickets will be given away that night to the Big Chili Contest on Saturday.

This is the big one folks, the best time you’ll have all year, the crowd is huge and the vibe is fantastic. It’s like somebody crossed a chili contest with a Jimmy Buffet concert. Trust me when I say, you do not want to miss the Big Chili Contest.


Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony