Eversource To Pick Up Right Where NSTAR Left Off With Poisoning Cape Cod

nstar eversource herbicides

CapeCod.com – Eversource Energy intends to spray vegetation underneath transmission lines again across the Cape this year.

All Cape towns, except Brewster and Provincetown, were included in the companies yearly operational plan submitted to the state at the end of January.

Many groups across the Cape have spoken out against Eversource Energy’s practice of spraying vegetation and every Cape town has passed a resolution to stop the practices.

Residents have until the March 27 to submit public comments to the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources regarding Eversource Energy’s spraying plan.

Damn. I really had high hopes for this “new” Eversource company. I thought that maybe since it is “new”, this electricity conglomerate might actually care more about us, maybe spend a little more money to clear their power lines by using more environmentally friendly equipment and manpower.

Turns out Eversource only cares about their bottom line just like our old electric company, so they’re going to keep using the more cost effective method of poisoning Cape Cod instead. Between this and the rate hikes they really seem to have a lot in common with NSTAR, it’s almost as if they are the same exact company just with a different name or something. Weird.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

Today’s Sign Of The Apocalypse – Peeps Flavored Milk Is Here

Prairie Farms Dairy - PEEPS

TIME – Starting the first week of March, PEEPS milk will be available in three flavors: “Marshmallow Milk,” reduced-fat “Chocolate Marshmallow Milk” and reduced-fat “Easter Egg Nog”— all of which sound more flavorful than regular PEEPs, which generally tend to taste like plain sugar.

So everyone is freaking out about this new Peeps flavored milk. All the articles are about how disgusting it is, everyone is asking how we can add pure sugar and marshmallow to milk and actually drink it. “Only in America” and all that jazz.

Let’s just slow down and think about this for a second. We are worried about how weird it is that anyone would put this in their bodies? We are talking about milk here. Milk is already disgusting. Adult humans drink the secretions of female cows that mother nature designed for the nourishment of calves. I repeat, we drink a fluid that comes from a COW, a fluid that we need to heat in order to remove micro organisms and bacteria to make it safe for human consumption, but yeah, adding Easter candy to it is where we should really draw the line.

No other adult animals drink the milk of another species. When’s the last time you saw a full grown chimpanzee suckling on the teet of a Water Buffalo? So, do me a favor everyone, ease up on passing judgement and getting all offended by Peeps milk until you grow up and take your lips off the cow udders. Okay? Thanks.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

VIDEO: Playing Ice Hockey On A Salt Water Harbor In Woods Hole… Wait, What?

salt water hockey

Frozen Woods Hole From Above from Brian Switzer on Vimeo.

I’m no expert on the properties of frozen water, but I’m pretty sure ice skating on a salt water harbor that rises and falls with tides controlled by the moon isn’t the best idea. In all fairness though, I guess at this point nothing really makes any frickin’ sense anymore. People are playing ice hockey eight feet away from a sailboat and I’m worried about tides? That’s like worrying about the wind chill factor in the Sahara Desert. There’s bigger fish to fry when you live in a post apocalyptic wasteland.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

VIDEO: Let’s Go Home!

Bourne PD – Today’s the day we welcome Officer Jared MacDonald back home to Bourne. After almost a month in the hospital, Jared will be escorted back to his home where he will continue the recovery process. The procession will leave Spaulding Hospital in Charlestown around 10 AM. We will keep you updated as to the progress of the procession via our Twitter account (http://www.twitter.com/BournePD) and post any significant changes to the planned times here and on Twitter. We look forward to seeing anyone that can make it along Main St in Bourne to welcome Jared back to town (estimated arrival between 10:45 AM – 11:30 AM). During the escort home Jared will be in Y-21, the Bourne PD pickup.

They run towards shit that the rest of us run away from, for that we owe them our gratitude and support. Get to Main St. in Bourne if you can and help welcome home Officer Jared MacDonald.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony