The Real Cape Music Festival 2015 Lineup Is Here


Here it is folks, The Real Cape Music Festival lineup. We figured the only way to top last year was to go bigger, and boy did we go bigger. Without further ado, here is the 2015 lineup…

Special Guest Speaker – Boston Marathon Bombing Survivor – Jeff Bauman

Our MC will once again be PIXY 103‘s Matty B

This year, because of the size of the show, we will be constructing two custom stages in one of the bigger fields at The Cape Cod Fairgounds to accommodate the extra level of madness that is sure to ensue. Bigger bands, more vendors, tons of food, beer and wine, live artists, you name it, we’ve got it going on. This is going to be the single biggest party Cape Cod has seen in a long, long time, you don’t want to be the one person that misses it. Oh and hey Fun Police, don’t forget to tip your waiter, because you just got served.

As a special thanks to all of The Real Cape readers we are putting early bird tickets on sale for just $40. There is a very limited number of these and when they are gone they are gone, so jump on ordering them A.S.A.P. The price will bump up to $50 once the early bird tix are gone.

Make Sure to CLICK HERE to visit the festival website for more details.

Tix on sale below (or the fest site)

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

The Cape Cod National Seashore Has Officially Lost Its Marbles

chickadee – At Beech Forest, it takes only a few minutes of quiet waiting with an open palm full of sunflower seeds to get a chickadee to land on your hand.

In a new initiative, the Cape Cod National Seashore would like to end the tradition by visitors and locals of feeding the chickadees as a practice harmful to the birds and illegal under federal law. In response, some question the Seashore’s focus on chickadees when there are larger maintenance issues such as an eroding parking lot at Herring Cove Beach in Provincetown. Others said there is value in allowing people generally interested in nature to have a close interaction with birds.

Oh cut the shit Seashore. Who the hell do you think you are? If a bird wants to eat something out of my hand, that is between me and the bird. Go donate a kidney to a Piping Plover or something and stay out of our business. It’s bad enough that you already think it’s OK to tell us how to run our lives, but now you’re making up bird laws? What happens if you catch a chickadee eating out of someone’s hand? Will the chickadee get 6 months in the House of Correction?

Talk about acting completely tapioca. What’s next? Are these wackos gonna levy fines to anyone that gives their dog a treat? Maybe start throwing people in jail at the petting zoo? I for one will not stand for this, next time I see a chickadee it’s getting a steak and cheese sub and a big ol’ french kiss. Try to stop me.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

Yarmouth House Of Horrors Sold!

yarmouth troubled house


38 Jerusha Lane in West Yarmouth, the source of over 100 police incidents involving fights, drugs, overdoses, animal abuse, and other violent crimes over the past few years, has just been officially sold. Plans are being filed to renovate and restore the home.

Solid teamwork and community policing by town of Yarmouth Police, Fire, Natural Resources, Building, Health, Finance, Administration, and the Board of Selectmen led to the reduction of the repeated calls, strict enforcement of all laws and building, health, and safety codes, and the subsequent sale of the home.

This nice neighborhood will now have a vastly improved quality of life and peace restored.

Well done everyone!

Holy crap that must have been some house. Who lived there, the Wareham family Robinson? I’ve never heard of a police department rejoicing over the sale of a home before. Do you see how many departments were involved in getting these people out? Yarmouth did everything but hire Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey to chase whatever deliverance style family was in there out of town.

The big question is where did all of the inhabitants go? I don’t want to stick my nose in where it doesn’t belong but if they are such big fans of fights, drugs, overdoses, animal abuse and other violent crimes then we should probably ship them down to Alabama. That list isn’t a list of crimes down there, it’s a lifestyle.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

Are You Looking For A Job? The Real Cape Is Hiring – Salary + Commission

help wanted

We are getting close to the summer season and The Real Cape is growing exponentially. We are looking to hire a full time advertising sales manager. This position comes with a competitive base salary plus commission and will include digital sales as well as offline sponsorship management for the many big events we have lined up.

Experience is a must, preferably in ad sales or a strong sales background in other industries if specific to Cape Cod. Candidates must be able to work independently and since we always have multiple irons in the fire, adaptability is a must.

To apply please send a resume to [email protected] and we will set up an interview. We are looking to fill this position ASAP.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

Neighbors Are Still Crying About The Heritage Zip Lines That Are Already Built

heritage zip lines – It was one year late, but neighbors of Heritage Museums & Gardens aired objections Wednesday to an aerial adventure park before the Old King’s Highway Historic District Committee and were repeatedly told they were out of order.

William Collins, chairman of the committee, attempted to keep focus on a fence, stone pillars, lighting and a gate Heritage is planning to alter as part of its parking lot plans, but the neighbors repeatedly tried to talk about what they called the “elephant in the room.”

“The frustration of the neighborhood is because we didn’t have this opportunity on April 23, 2014,” Judy Stainbrook said. “We are not the adversaries.”

There was a particularly hostile exchange between Collins and Peter Mello, an attorney representing neighbors in a lawsuit over the historic committee’s approval one year ago of the adventure park. Neighbors say they were kept in the dark about those plans and allege Heritage misled the town by filing incorrect lot numbers on its application so neighbors wouldn’t be notified of a public hearing.

“It’s a matter of trust. That’s the problem here,” Carlo DiPersio, another neighbor, said. “That’s why you have to limit people and what they’re saying. We’ve been living with this lack of trust.”

Holy shit Judy and Carlo, cry us a freakin’ river. You lost. You went through every single avenue of appeal known to man and didn’t get one vote in your favor. Everyone likes the zip lines but you. In a time where kids are getting hooked on heroin left and right, a museum gave teenagers something to do. You sounded like assholes when you were fighting it, now you are just sad little Fun Police trolls that can’t let go.

And what’s this crap about living with no trust? You are acting like the person who got dumped and just won’t accept it. It’s time to move on, the lines are built, it’s been a year. Hertiage doesn’t care if you don’t trust them, they don’t think about you anymore, they have a hot new aerial adventure park that is better in bed than you ever were, take a hint and get lost will ya?

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

Attention Hippies – Trader Joe’s Chicken Sausage Recall

trader joe's cape cod – Trader Joe’s customers who bought the chain’s Sweet Apple Chicken Sausage are urged to throw it out amid concerns plastic may have made its way into the packages.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced this week that Massachusetts-based sausage maker Kayem Foods is recalling more than 59,000 pounds of the product.

The recall is for 8-ounce sausage packages sold at Trader Joe’s stores nationwide and marked with expiration dates of April 22, 25 and 29. Customers can return the product for a full refund at any Trader Joe’s.

The USDA says no one has eaten the recalled meat so far, and that there is a remote chance of negative health effects if someone does.

Trader Joe’s shoppers are such a bunch of wusses. They recalled some sausage because of a little plastic? Most stores chicken sausage has beaks and toenails in it on purpose, a little accidental plastic wouldn’t even be a blip on the radar. You sign a social contract when you decide to eat sausage knowing you are taking the risk of ingesting something completely foreign, that’s the sausage deal.

Everyone needs to just chill out and man up a little bit. We’ve come a long way with food safety, ten years ago there was probably pure mercury in our chicken sausage, now all we have to deal with is a little free range, non GMO plastic? What Trader Joe’s issues mass recalls for, I call progress, I guess I’m just a 100% pure, recycled spring water bottle is half full kind of guy.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

The Kennedy Bloodline Is Safe – Patrick Schwarzenegger and Miley Cyrus Broke Up

miley patrick

People – Miley Cyrus and Patrick Schwarzenegger appeared to be mending their relationship after going through a tough time last month, but a source confirms to PEOPLE the couple have broken up.

“It’s not a break,” says a source close to the couple. “It’s done.”

By all accounts, the split is amicable. (Reps did not immediately respond for comment.)

“They’re just in two different places in their lives – he’s in college and she’s focused on her music and career,” says the source.

It’s about time. Kennedy’s aren’t supposed to wife up a brazen hussy like Miley. Kennedy’s blow too many lines and get caught coming out of the club at 4 a.m. with girls like Miley. Kennedy’s leave girls like Miley under Chappaquiddick bridges.

Thank god Patrick smarten up before the Kennedy bloodline was tainted by this…


Imagine the Ray Cyrus clan showing up to a family reunion? Talk about breaking Ethel’s achy breaky heart. The last thing we need is Miley coming into the compound like a wrecking ball, twerking all over Hyannisport, and dropping a litter of mullet babies all over our peninsula.

Let’s all hope that Patrick has learned his lesson, I mean even his dad Arnold knows the difference between a side piece and a wife. Miley may have a couple bucks in her pocket, but all the money in the world isn’t curing Hepatitis C.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony