Kick Off The Summer Season On A Booze Cruise With Puffy Elvis!

puffy elvis

This is going to be a fun one. Come party with us on a booze cruise around Vineyard Sound and Woods Hole on the Island Queen with music from everyone’s favorite good time band, Puffy Elvis. There will be a full bar, complimentary hors d’oeuvres, great music, and good people. Oh and it’s on a boat. What better way is there to kick off the summer season?

It all goes down Saturday, May 30th, the boat leaves at 7 p.m. sharp, you better be on it!

Get your tickets soon, there are a limited amount and this is probably going to sell out fairly quickly. It’s a booze cruise, if you’ve never been on one you will realize why and be hooked immediately. Tix below…

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

VIDEO: The Shot Heard ‘Round The Cape – The Great Wild Turkey War Has Begun

turkey windshield brewster

WCVB – A wild turkey crashed into and through the windshield of a truck and ended up in the passenger cabin with the driver.

The turkey flew into the small truck on Route 6 in Brewster Thursday and then escaped from the truck and ran into the woods.

The driver suffered minor cuts and bruises. Wild turkeys have become a problem for drivers in the area, officials said.

The Wild Turkeys have officially attacked! The war is on!

We shall defend our peninsula, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender!

thanks to RPV for the tip

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

Cape Cod Craigslist Ad Of The Day – State Of The Art Sony Television


Craigslist – Sony Television (South Dennis)

Sony Trinitron CRT 19 inch (diagonal) TV. No remote (use your cable remote) Free to good home.

First off, the entire “FREE” section of Craigslist should be renamed the “SAVE ME A TRIP TO THE DUMP” section. It is unreal what people list in there.

As for this TV ad, are they really saying there is no remote but the new owner should just use their cable remote? You honestly think that anyone who wants this piece of shit has cable? Use your cable remote, sure, while your at it why don’t you suggest the new owner puts rocket fuel in their ’83 YUGO. Maybe top their Hot Pocket dinner with Beluga Caviar?

The most hilarious thing is the “free to a good home” part though right? A good home my ass. Any home that needs a 19″ Sony TV that you pillaged during the war of 1812 is NOT going to be a “good home”. You’re gonna need to get over the fact that your TV is headed for a toxic environment where it will undoubtedly be verbally and physically abused, eventually being converted into some MacGyver style crack pipe. A good home. Talk about living in La La Land.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

Some News About Early Bird Tickets For The Real Cape Music Festival


We’ve been getting a ton of feedback about the early bird tickets for the festival. It seems quite a few people are bummed out that they were released on a Monday because they want to buy tickets but want to wait until pay day.

Well, we heard you loud and clear and we want to make sure all of our readers get a chance at the discount so we will be extending the early bird discount through the weekend. People shouldn’t lose out on the discount because they live on a budget, that wouldn’t vibe with our whole rational thought concept very well. Happy readers, happy site.

CLICK HERE to visit the festival site

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

The End Of An Era In Cape Cod Music – Tonight Is Boombasnap’s Final Show


Boombasnap has a special space in The Real Cape’s heart. Yes we do have a heart. They played the inaugural Real Cape Music Festival last year, rolled with us on our Christmas Parade float, and have made countless memories for us over the years.

Well folks, the Fun Police struck last week in the middle of Boombasnap’s show at the Island Merchant when they shut it down with one week left to go before the last show. Luckily, The Beach House in Falmouth has stepped up and we have a little party on our hands tonight.

It’s the end of an era in our local music scene. Boombasnap has been a staple all over the Cape for many years and tonight closes a big chapter in Cape Cod music history. Their lead guitarist Dennis Christiano is moving to Cali to begin the next chapter in his life so let’s send him off in style.

There will be an early 9pm start since this is such a special occasion. The boys have told me they have something special lined up, and for those of you that have seen Boombasnap play, you know that really means something. See you tonight!

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

Wellfleet Mobilized And Defeated The Fun Police At Town Meeting

fun police chief badge

Wellfleet held their town meeting the last few days and apparently there was a classic Cape Cod Fun Police article being voted on. Article 46 was to be a new noise ordinance that would have effectively outlawed any music in bars or restaurants. We are talking straight up Footloose stuff here. The ordinance was so vague that, as one man pointed out, it technically would have made babies illegal in Wellfleet since any sound audible from over 100 ft. away would have become a violation.

The good news is that the silent majority of Wellfleetians got wind of this beforehand, and apparently they showed up in droves to soundly defeat Article 46. That’s what I’m talking about Wellfleet! Chalk one up for the good guys. People ask all the time how to get involved in defeating the Cape Cod Fun Police and this is a perfect example. We outnumber them, if we stay on top of these types of things and take some time to show up to the battles, we WILL win the war.

The reason the Fun Police have gained such a foothold here is because they have nothing better to do with their lives than to worry about what everyone else is doing with theirs. The people like us, although in the majority, are simply too busy living our own lives to worry about this crap, but we can’t sit by idly anymore. We have been invaded. We may not have wanted this war, but they brought it to our shores. It is time to mobilize and fight.

The bottom line is that if we want change, it is going to start with communication, mobilization and working together to take action. That’s what happened in Wellfleet, a few people took to social media and screamed from mountain tops about Article 46, the silent majority heard the pleas, mobilized, and won. Way to go Wellfleet, you are an inspiration to us all.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

Plane Lands On Martha’s Vineyard With No Landing Gear – See You On The Ferry!

mv plane – The pilot of a Mooney 201 single-engine plane with two passengers aboard landed at Martha’s Vineyard Airport Wednesday afternoon without the plane’s retractable landing gear lowered, without incident or injuries.

The control tower reported that a plane had landed without its wheels down, and the crash alarm was sounded, airport manager Sean Flynn told The Times. When fire personnel responded, all three occupants were safely out of the plane, which was resting upright on the runway.

This is why I stick to ferries, this incident worked out and everyone is fine so that’s great, kudos to this pilot, but these little paper mache planes freak me out. It’s not just that they bounce around and can drop like 30 ft. in a split second either. I get nervous because whenever you board one of these tiny planes the pilot inevitably says the same thing every time.

“Oh, don’t worry, we could land this thing on the street if we have to.”

Oh? And how are you so sure about that? How often do you need to land this thing on a frickin’ road that this has become your default go to line? Is that supposed to comfort me?

I’m supposed to be less nervous knowing that at the drop of a hat you are ready to land this thing on rte. 28? That sounds great in a post apocalyptic wasteland, but I got some news for ya, you know what there is on roads? Cars.

Oh and I haven’t even mentioned the elephant in the room, do you know what are conspicuously absent between Martha’s Vineyard and everywhere else? ROADS. Seriously pilots, get yourselves another comforting line for people that don’t like flying balsa wood airlines, the “we could land on the street if we have to” thing is not helping.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony