The Price Of Narcan Has Almost Doubled

narcan – A drug that has saved thousands of addicts from dying of a heroin overdose has nearly doubled in cost as the use and demand for it have increased.

Naloxone, which also goes by the brand name Narcan, counteracts the dangerous depression of the central nervous and respiratory system from opiates.

The state used to pay $42 for a kit, which includes two doses of naloxone and two atomizers, but is now paying $75, said Anne Roach, the spokeswoman for the state Department of Public Health.

The price increase will affect town budgets, Mashpee Police Chief Rodney Collins said.

All police departments on Cape Cod police received several doses in the fall as part of a grant and funding from the Barnstable County Sheriff and the Cape and Islands District Attorney’s office.

In the future, naloxone doses will have to be paid for by the towns.

Amphastar Pharmaceuticals Inc., the only manufacturer of the nasal formulation, has jacked up the price. No one from Amphastar, based in Rancho Cucamonga, California, responded to a request for comment on why the price has gone up.

Classic drug dealer move. The first few are free, then we will only charge you $42 a piece, but once everyone is in love with it and dare I say, entitled to it, the cost magically almost doubles to $75. The lowly street dealers that prey on the public have been pulling this bait and switch pricing shit for years. The only real difference here is that Amphastar Pharmaceuticals has the full support of the government, to the point where they are even using it as a distribution arm.

The U.S. War on Drugs ladies and gentlemen. We live in a country that consumes 80% of the world’s legal pain medication while only having 5% of its population. Meanwhile 94% of heroin users say they started using it because prescription opiates are too expensive. Basically what this means is, people are turning to street heroin because they can no longer afford to get their opiates from the government backed dealers.

Everyone is running around in circles trying to figure out how to fight heroin addiction. Well, keep blaming street level heroin dealers all you want, or even Afghanistan, but there’s only one way to end this epidemic and it’s not in the streets of Hyannis, it’s in Washington D.C. where the real drug dealers are.

sources – here and here

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

Lay’s Has Some Balls Filming Their New Potato Chip Commercial On Cape Cod

lays – A local bakery will get some nationwide attention when a new Lay’s potato chip flavor is introduced later this year.

Beth Giampietro of Beth’s Bakery and Cafe in Sandwich said crews will be filming later this week.
She says she was approached after someone spotted the bakery.

“Evidently someone came through Sandwich over the summer and came into my bakery. They loved the spot and loved the town so they decided to do the commercial here,” she said.

Giampietro said the company has not told her specifically what the new chip will be, but she does know it will have a New England twist.

What a slap in the face from Lay’s. You don’t just waltz into Cape Cod Potato Chip country and start filming commercials. This would be like if Nestle set up shop in Hershey Pennsylvania. Hey Lay’s you ever hear of the snack commandments? Thou shalt not covet thy competitor’s peninsula? Learn it.

I think it’s pretty obvious what’s going on here. I’d be willing to bet this new chip that Lay’s is unveiling is a total rip off of the Cape Cod Waffle Cut Chip and they are looking to catch a little Cape magic in a bottle. Alas, just like Wavy Lay’s suck compared to Ruffles, whatever crap their introducing to the market next will be sub par in comparison to the perfection that is the Cape Cod Waffle Cut. Hey Lay’s, you might be able to put your chips on Cape Cod, but you can’t put Cape Cod into your chips.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

74 Year Old Truro Woman Drives Prius Into River And Escapes

truro prius

CCT – A Truro woman was not injured when her Prius slid into the Pamet River Monday morning. According to a Truro police release, 73-year-old Carol Klass of 10 Scrimshaw Street in Truro, mistook the accelerator for the brake while trying to park at the Truro Post Office.

Ms. Klass’s 2012 Toyota Prius overshot the parking space and slid down the bank into the Pamet River. Ms. Klass was able to crawl out the window and up the marsh bank, police said. She then requested assistance from post office personnel.

Ahhh… the old “thought the gas was the brake” story. These are usually followed by a few jokes about old people and how they shouldn’t be allowed to drive. Well not this time. Carol Klass may not know the difference between pedals but she makes up for it with her Navy Seal antics.

While most 74 year old’s are out cane shopping Carol is escaping car windows, breathing through a bamboo snorkel doing the breast stroke down the Pamet River. Not only should she keep her license, we should probably sign her up for BUDS training and send her on some special ops.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

Mystery Of Cape Codhenge Solved – It’s An Installation By Brewster Artist Silas Finch


It’s not a shipwreck, it’s not any type of natural occurrence. It is an art installation made with peat by Brewster artist Silas Finch. Here are a few of his other outdoor installations…





I highly recommend you go to his website and check out the galleries of his other works to see some mind blowing stuff like this…




Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

They Might Try Saving Piping Plovers By Killing Foxes, Raccoons and Skunks

plover cape

WL – As Mass Natural Heritage and Endangered Wildlife Agency and representative stakeholders continue discussions about a statewide piping plover habitat conservation plan, the topic of species eradication remains a sticking point.

The working group, which began meeting in May of 2014, has been discussing a myriad of topics but, according to John Regosin, chief of conservation science at Mass Natural Heritage and Endangered Wildlife Agency, participants have been trying to find a “middle ground” in regards to the selective removal of certain predators like foxes, skunks and raccoon.

For over ten years we’ve played god with the Piping Plovers. We’ve closed miles of beaches to both vehicles and humans, we’ve put cages around their nests, we’ve banned drones and kite surfing, and we’ve failed miserably. There are less Piping Plovers now than when we started all of this.

Any normal, rational thinking person would probably come to the conclusion that we should probably stop playing god right? It’s not working, we aren’t Mother Nature, we have no idea how to successfully manipulate our environment. Maybe we should eat some humble pie and leave the ecosystem alone?


Let’s start playing god on an even grander scale by killing all of the Piping Plover’s predators! Kill them all! Foxes, skunks, raccoons. who needs ’em? They are much less important than Piping Plovers.

What does it matter that Mother Nature has been using natural selection for billions of years? People have been here almost 0.017% of that time, it’s about time for us to take over and show her how it’s done. Move over Mother Nature, you had your time, the humans have it under control now, and the Piping Plover’s enemies are our enemies.

P.S. Imagine for a second that the Irish population on Cape Cod was dwindling, and someone told you that they think the solution is to start killing Brazilian, Portuguese and Italian people to even out the numbers? You would immediately dial 911 and have them committed.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony