Lax Bros Rejoice! Monomoy Regional To Field Lacrosse Teams Next Year

monomoy sharks

WL – The Monomoy Sharks will unveil a new sport this spring, as both boys and girls lacrosse will be introduced in the coming weeks.

Initially playing as a club team, both teams will look to grow and establish themselves in the coming years.

“We took a poll, and lacrosse was the main sport people in the community wanted to see offered,” said Monomoy Athletics Director Paul “Spanky” Demanche, adding that the teams had been budgeted into the 2015 budget.

Finsanity! Shampoo your lettuce and throw some fabric softener in with your mid calf tube socks, it’s time to play some lax!

The question I keep asking myself is if the poll was really necessary though. Oh, you mean the kids of Harwich and Chatham on Cape Cod voted for lacrosse? I almost knocked off my $3 hot pink wayfarers adjusting my flat brimmed hat I was so shocked by these poll results.

I would have thought they built Monomoy High School out of lacrosse sticks and glue.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

Mashpee Elementary School Censors Film Made By 10 Year Old Student

censorship – A student film that raised concerns among administrators at Quashnet Elementary School will not be screened publicly, the parent advisor to the film project told The Mashpee Enterprise on Wednesday, March 18.

Students in the Quashnet Filmmakers’ Club began shooting the film, titled “School of Fates,” in May 2014. The five-minute short film, which was directed by 10-year-old Quashnet student Gavin Wills, was shot at the school and follows a dream sequence experienced by the film’s actors. Eight other Quashnet students also acted in or worked on the five-minute film, said Morgan J. Peters, the club’s parent advisor.

“Gavin is a very precocious young man,” Mr. Peters said. “He came in with an idea and we went ahead with it. I thought it was cool. It was very innovative.”

While she said she supports the club, Quashnet principal, Patricia DeBoer said she took issue with the tone of the film, which she found too dark and said failed to promote a safe school atmosphere at Quashnet. She added that while she was aware students were making a film, she did not see a finished version of the film prior to receiving Mr. Peters’s e-mail.

“Protocol-wise, there are a lot of things that should have been done,” Ms. DeBoer said, adding that parents of children involved in the making of the film also expressed concerns with the film. “It’s unfortunate that this comes at the expense of the children’s hard work.”

Mr. Peters said he planned on screening the film on Mashpee TV, but announced Wednesday, March 18, that the film would not be aired in light of concerns from school officials.

“If they don’t support it, I have to respect it,” he said. “But I also have to support this young man’s vision. He worked hard on this film.”

Welcome to the real world Gavin. Usually overly politically correct government institutions wait until you are older to try and suck the will to live a creative life right out of you, but it looks like Quashnet Elementary is adhering to a policy of crushing hopes and dreams through censorship a little earlier than average. Gavin just learned phrases like “issue with tone”, “protocol”, and “failure to promote a safe atmosphere” at the tender age of… TEN.

Seriously, this situation is just gross. Do you know what I was doing when I was ten years old? I was in the woods eating sticks. This kid is dreaming up plot lines and creating films. It may not be a good idea to stifle those urges or at some point Gavin is going to give up on being ambitious and start looking for some nice soft pine to chew on.

Hey Gavin, I feel ya man, but don’t give up. I wasn’t allowed to write whatever I wanted so I just started my own website. Technology is a beautiful thing and it means you won’t have to rely on stuffy school administrators to approve your creativity for very much longer. Until then, if you want people to see your films, send ’em to us, we will publish every single one.

P.S. Unless they completely suck, we may hate authority, but we don’t publish total crap either.

P.P.S. Also, a big thumbs down for whomever’s decision it was to not screen the film on Mashpee TV. You didn’t need to follow suit and bow to the irrational censorship of a school administration, have a spine will ya?

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

Unregistered Sex Offender With Most Sex Offendery Mugshot Of All Time

sex offender mugshot

CCT – A West Yarmouth man faces a slew of charges including impaired driving and failure to register as a sex offender following his arrest Tuesday night. According to a Yarmouth police release, officers attempted to pull over the driver of a Mercedes SUV with a non-functioning headlight on Willow Street around 10:30 p.m.

Despite the siren and lights, the driver, 50-year-old Christopher MacDonald of 53 Lewis Road in West Yarmouth, reportedly refused to pull over.

Police said MacDonald jumped out of the car and ran to the home at 53 Lewis Road with police following on foot… The officers were able to get inside the bedroom where they attempted to arrest MacDonald who they said kept his arms under his body to avoid being handcuffed.

MacDonald was reportedly injured during the struggle with officers when his face hit the floor breaking his glasses…

MacDonald reportedly refused transport to Cape Cod Hospital.

During booking, police discovered that MacDonald has been living with his mother on Lewis Road for the past two months during which time he failed to register as a sex offender.

MacDonald, a Level 3 sex offender, was last registered in Bourne. In 1994, MacDonald was convicted of indecent assault and battery on a person aged 14 or older. He was last registered as living at 59 Hunters Brook Road in Bourne according to the state Sex Offender Registry Board (SORB).

Looking good bud! Might as well change your name to Assaulty McKidrape and move to Diddleville, Florida at this point because you aren’t fooling anybody.

How relieved were these cops when they found out this dude was a non registered sex offender? Of course it’s never “good” news to hear that someone is a diddler, but it sure as shit ensures that there is no chance the officers involved get sued because of him “hitting his face on the floor and breaking his glasses.”

Those cops could have stuck a billy club up this guy’s urethra and people would be baking them cookies and shit. Look I’m not saying that the police beat this dude up or did anything wrong. I’m just saying that if you are a police officer and you somehow find yourself with a prisoner in your custody that has 93 lacerations to the grill piece, it might as well be a sex offender. The only thing anyone would get mad about when it comes to facial lacerations on a diddler is that there aren’t enough of them.

P.S. Gotta love the flesh colored band aids, barely noticeable at all bro.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

Northern Lights Were Visible From Cape Cod And The Islands?

northern lights cape cod

WPRI – A solar storm is sparking a spectacular show in the sky.

The Northern Lights were visible across the country on Tuesday night, and many New Englanders got to see the breath-taking phenomenon.

And although temperatures were frigid, that did not stop viewers from pointing their cameras at the sky.

Greg Hinson recorded spectacular views of the aurora in Nantucket, while Jamie Walter got some great shots at Sugarloaf Mountain in Maine.

Matthew Cappucci shot an incredible time lapse of the event from Bourne on Cape Cod.

Charles Goiun, a Chepatchet native, took an incredible photo in Spencer, Mass.

Light show by Mother Nature! We’ve had our head in the sand filming all week but it would have been nice to know about this. The closest I’ve ever come to seeing the northern lights was years ago when my buddy crossed it with some haze. We saw something that looked like crazy lights in the sky every night for a month, but it turned out it was just a 7 Eleven sign. Needless to say we did some excessive snacking that month. Good times.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

Shocking Video Captures The Cape Cod Fun Police Hunting In Their Natural Habitat

Silver shores shanty

The fun starts at about 46 minutes in. Be warned, people who do not hate fun and can think rationally may find the content of this video extremely disturbing.

Let me start by saying that this is not a case of me commenting on something as an outsider. I don’t want to hear anything about putting myself in these people’s shoes because I live closer to The Silver Shores Shanty than any of them. If I had known how ridiculous this was going to get (and I wasn’t busy living my life instead of telling other people how to live theirs) I would have been at this meeting.

Let me start by explaining a little about the neighborhood for those of you that don’t know Falmouth Heights. It is a bustling area, it is home to one of the most popular beaches in Falmouth, the entire neighborhood is a hive of activity. Within a mile in either direction from The Shanty there is a Martha’s Vineyard ferry, a marina, a church, a giant hotel, a yacht club, other restaurants, etc. etc. These neighbors describing some sleepy little neighborhood are living in la la land. The Shanty is right next to Falmouth Harbor for crying out loud, some of the places across the water can be heard from my house.

Now let me paint a little picture of the clientele of The Shanty for a minute. There’s little kids, lots and lots of them, my nieces and nephews among them. I have seen the guitar player/singer have 5-10 year old kids sit in and sing songs with them. When they say it’s a family place, they mean it. Oh and that entertainment? It’s never more than one person with an acoustic guitar and a mic and it ends at 7 p.m. on weekends only. I repeat, we are talking about little kids and parents listening to one dude in the afternoon. Don’t believe me? Take a look above at that pic up there, it’s quite an example of a table full of music fueled hooligans! What I’m saying is that if you hate The Silver Shores Shanty then you hate life.

I don’t think I need to explain The Fun Police and how misguided they are on this one. I’m pretty sure Mr. Dufresne made it quite clear how irrational he is all on his own by admonishing a selectmen and telling her what to do at her own meeting. That power trip was Fun Police 101, the dude couldn’t even listen to an elected official speak without telling her to shut up, never mention it again and threatening to go after her. God forbid a selectmen actually support local business and think about the repercussions of a vote on a larger scale than the tiny bubble of irrationality that Mr. Dufresne lives in. The guy did everything but try to physically shove Susan Moran back into the kitchen after she spoke more eloquently about the ills of local government strangling thriving businesses than I have heard in a long time. Kudos to Susan for not kicking him in the nuts on the way out because he deserved it after pulling that stunt.

Some people say I am crazy when I rant about the Fun Police ruining Cape Cod but this video shows that they are very real, they are very organized, and they are more dangerous to our economy than an August hurricane. These people are railing against businesses that create jobs, that give back to the community, that make Cape Cod a fun (GASP!) place for tourists to visit, create memories, return, and maybe even move here. If you handcuff businesses, you handcuff Cape Cod’s economy, plain and simple.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony