4 Year Old Cape Cod Kid Saves His Mother’s Life Like A Boss

matthew fontaine

FOX – A 4-year-old Massachusetts boy is being hailed as a hero after saving his mother’s life when she suffered a massive seizure.

When Matthew Fontaine’s mother, Ashley, who suffers from regular seizures, had a seizure so bad she fell and hit her head, the boy sprung into action, using his mom’s cellphone to call 911 and waiting on the line until help arrived, Fox25 reported.

“I remember thinking to myself, oh my God, this is it, this is the seizure that’s going to kill me,” Ashley, of Harwich, Massachusetts, told Fox25.

Matthew had been taught how to help if he was alone and his mother, Ashley, suffered a seizure. Now, he wants to be a rescue worker when he grows up.

“They said I’m a hero,” Matthew told FOX25.

No biggie, just a regular Cape Cod 4 year old running around saving lives. That’s how we raise ’em around here. Just another Wednesday on the peninsula.

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