“No Guff Week” In Falmouth This Week


CapeCodToday.com – It’s No Guff Week in Falmouth this week. That means a veritable kibosh on trash talk, antagonistic texts and bullying. Instead, it is a week of reflection, kindness and respect throughout the Upper Cape town.

It also spread through the rest of the schools in town and into the community at large. Today, No Guff Week is celebrated by all members of the Falmouth community, young and old in the schools, businesses, churches and the town government.

ALL members of the Falmouth community? Well I guess we can expect some low traffic numbers from Falmouth this week. This website is basically built on Guff. How funny is it that a Cape Cod town has to actually initiate a “No Guff Week” though? Basically what we are saying is.

1. We are such sarcastic pricks to each other that we need to create an event to stop it.

2. There is zero chance that we are actually going to get people to stop being dicks altogether so let’s shoot for one week out of 52.

3. The Cape is so full of assholes that we even have to specify that town government and the church are also no prick zones for the week.

Gotta love it. Cape Cod is a special place for sure, fucking with each other is so deeply embedded in our culture we have to give it up for lent and shit. Well here is a “No Guff” toast from The Real Cape.

We love you Cape Cod, every last one of you dumb sons of bitches!

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

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