Yarmouth Has Something Called A Library? Anyone Ever Heard Of This?


CapeCodToday.com – During Patron Appreciation Week Sunday, February 9 through Saturday, February 15, the Yarmouth Town Libraries will be forgiving overdue book fines in exchange for a donation to theYarmouth Food Pantry.

Anyone with overdue books is asked to bring them to the library during the week along with a paper goods or toiletry donation for the food pantry. For donation suggestions, drop by the library or contact the food pantry.

Lie-bah-rerry? What is this lie-bah-rerry they speak of? They have books you say? A “book” is words printed on paper? And you borrow the words on paper and then bring them back? If you don’t bring them back on time you get fined? Whose idea was this lie-bah-rerry? I already have every word ever written inside of my laptop and I never get fined for having them for too long.

Hah, public lie-bah-rerries! Next you’ll try to tell me that there are public phones on the street that you pay to use! Or that stores sell maps printed on paper! I can’t believe this article thinks I’m dumb enough to believe that we have giant public buildings filled with less information than one Intel Pentium Processor.

Oh the imagination of people these days, just think what would happen if somebody really built a 5,ooo square foot building filled with paper Kindles on public property? They would be the laughing stock of the community! Lie-bah-rerries! Even the word is funny! Ha ha ha! Good one Yarmouth, I’ll have to remember this for April fools.

P.S. It’s much funnier if you say lie-bah-rerry in Cartman’s voice.

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