We received the following email the other day and thought the story was worth a share:
The Real Cape,
My name is Ken Friend. I served as the 6th grade coach for the Upper Cape Spartans this past season. Last month, I nominated our 11 year old tailback “Aidan Sullivan” to receive the Black Lion Award.
The Black Lion Award is a national award, established in 2001, dedicated to the memory of Don Holleder and the men of the 28thinfantry, the Black Lions – who gave their lives for their country in the
Battle of Ong Thanh, Vietnam on October 17th, 1967. This award is presented to that football player who best exemplifies the character of Don Holleder: leadership, courage, devotion to duty, self-sacrifice
and above all, an unselfish concern for his team ahead of himself.
Aidan was selected by an independent board and received the award on November 17th.
Congrats to Aidan, a fine achievement from what sounds like a fine young man. It is always great to see some local talent getting recognition.
Another aspect of this story is why The Upper Cape Spartans deserve some kudos here as well. For instance, most of The Cape is probably not aware that Falmouth’s Pop Warner league folded. Yes, you heard that right, the league folded, like it was the USFL or something. It was not a lack of children wanting to play. Kids want to play football. It was the adults who couldn’t keep it together. Somebody needed to fill the void.
The Spartans are a non profit operation that is giving kids a chance to play football. They are giving kids a chance to smash into other kids the way god intended. They are giving them a chance to be American. In the words of a great man… “If you love your country… you’re gonna have to love The Spartans.”*

P.S. How great of a name does the guy who sent the email have? Ken Friend? Just an absolutely perfect name for a 6th grade football coach. It sounds masculine yet so welcoming and non judgmental. He should be the coach of the Sesame Street football team.
*(changed up that quote a bit)
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony
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