Pilot Whale Euthanized In Chatham, Or Was He Murdered? DUN DUN DUUUNNN!

"But I'm not dead yet"
“I’m not dead yet”

CapeCodOnline.com – CHATHAM – A pilot whale found stranded around noon today on Harding Beach was euthanized later in the evening after members of the International Fund for Animal Welfare were unable to get the whale into deep water.

IFAW’s Marine Mammal Rescue and Research team responded to the scene around 2 p.m.

The approximately 3,000 pound whale was in overall good condition, said Kerry Branon, an IFAW spokeswoman. The team planned to satellite tag and then release the whale, but they were unable to get the whale back into deep water, Branon said. After a consultation with an on-site veterinarian, the team realized the whale could not be saved, she said.

“They did everything they could to minimize its suffering, and in the end, euthanasia was the most humane option available,” Branon said.

Quick question? How do they know that whale couldn’t have made it back into deep water? Maybe when there aren’t humans around whales come up into shallow water all the time and then just stand up and walk on their fins back to deep water when they decide they are done. Prove they don’t. They did say the whale was in “overall good condition”. I don’t know, something smells a bit… (I know, I’m sorry I won’t even say it).

Anyway, how the hell do we know when a whale “can’t be saved”? Just because it can’t be saved by people doesn’t mean a whale doesn’t have some tricks up its sleeve for survival that we don’t know about. I think we as a people have become a bit too arrogant when we start Terry Schiavoing whales at the drop of a hat, who elected us the Dr. Kevorkian of the animal kingdom? I’m pretty sure those scientists murdered that whale and I demand an investigation.


P.S. If you are contemplating leaving a comment saying whales aren’t fish, please euthanize yourself.

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