TBT: Real Cape Cod Geography – A Letter To Wareham, Plymouth Etc.

(today’s throwback thursday post is from nov. 26th 2013)

Dear Wareham, Plymouth etc.,

This letter was inspired by this sticker. Whoever made this should be bound, gagged and sent via UPS as far from The Cape as possible, never to return.

cape sticker2


This is an abomination.

Here it is, this is the absolute concrete final word on what is Cape Cod and what is not:

cape map


End of argument and we don’t want to hear another word about it.


Real Cape Codders

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

Are Washashores Real Cape Codders?

washashore shirt

Since the post this morning about our new shirts, we’ve been getting emails asking us why we would make a shirt for washashores. We also noticed during the casting call that some washashores shied away from admitting their status as if they were ashamed of it. We figure it is time to clear this up.

Being a washashore is not a bad thing.

It seems that some people equate being a washashore with being a tourist. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Washashores are people that were born somewhere else but choose to live year round on Cape Cod, they are not tourists. There seems to be this idea floating around that a washashore can never be a “real” Cape Codder. This could not be further from the truth.

Washashores are most certainly “real” Cape Codders.

Think about it for a second, a washashore doesn’t end up on Cape Cod by chance. They don’t live here because it happens to be where they were born. Washashores live here because they made a conscious decision to make Cape Cod their home. You have to respect that.

Or think about it this way. Forward thinking, intelligent people don’t judge a person because of how they were born, (e.g. their sexual preference, race, etc.) So why would we judge people by where they were born? It makes no sense. The bottom line is that if you think you are better than someone else, or more entitled, simply because of where you were born, then you are a grade A asshole.

This is why we made a shirt for washashores. The Real Cape embraces you. Washashores should be just as proud of being washashores as natives are of being natives. Hug a washashore today! Better yet CLICK HERE and buy one a shirt!

P.S. I am a native, I was born on Cape Cod, so don’t try to tell me I am biased.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

Pope John Paul II High School Is Now Saint John Paul II


CC.com – Following the April canonization of St. John Paul II, Fall River Diocesan Bishop Edgar M. da Cunha announced that Pope John Paul II High School will now be called St. John Paul II High School.

Bishop da Cunha made this announcement at a Mass for all Cape Cod Catholic School students today.

“As a school community, we were pleased and proud to celebrate the Church’s recognition of John Paul II’s sainthood. I thank Bishop da Cunha for advancing this name change and making it official,” said St. John Paul II High School Head of School Christopher W. Keavy.

The graduating class of 2015 has elected to retain the name Pope John Paul II High School for their diplomas as the final graduating class with this name.

Big mistake by the 2015 class to ignore my man John Paul getting canonized. Huge. You have to make the switch immediately. For one thing saints trump popes all day long, when given a choice between a king and a prince you have to choose king, that’s just good business.

Also, don’t they realize that to become a saint someone has to have a direct line to god. This means JP is in the big guys ear. Do you really want to disrespect this guy? Right now John Paul is probably sitting next to god in the Heaven cafeteria being like, “Hey God, can you believe these little pricks disrespecting me and ignoring your will? What is this, meatloaf?”

Tread lightly, PJP II class of 2015. Last thing you want is a pissed off saint on your hands.

P.S. For some reason I picture John Paul as a grumpy old Jew saint that complains about his food. I know it makes no sense, so please don’t email me a 487 word diatribe about sainthood.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

Homeless Woman Found Sleeping In Storage Locker Arrested For Hitting Dude With A Bat

storage pros

CapeCodOnline.com – A 32-year-old homeless woman was ordered held in lieu of $1,000 bail Tuesday after pleading not guilty to hitting a man in the elbow with a metal baseball bat, according to Falmouth District Court records.

Danielle C. Somers was found sleeping on a mattress inside a storage unit on Village Common Drive in Falmouth and arrested after a man called police late Monday to report the alleged assault, according to a Falmouth police report.

According to the report, the man accused Somers of swinging a baseball bat at him during an argument about blankets he believed were his. Refusing to give him the blankets, Somers chased him away with a baseball bat, swinging repeatedly and making contact with his elbow.

When police opened the door to the storage unit, a man suspected of shoplifting appeared. A knife was removed from his pocket, but after realizing there were no outstanding warrants for his arrest, police released the man and returned his knife.

Somers, who was wanted on four default warrants, told officers she feared for her safety when the alleged victim came to her storage unit and only swung the baseball bat to scare him away.

Holy crap I can’t even keep all the homeless people in this story straight. Is the guy with the knife the same guy that called? It’s a different guy right? Talk about a confusing situation. Opening that storage locker was like when you turn over a log and 87 bugs go scurrying off in different directions. I would have just started macing people.

How about the poor bastards that rented the locker next to this one though? They thought they were innocently renting a place to store some furniture they won’t need for a while and they end up in the middle of a Homeless Melrose Place right next door to Heather “Storage” Locklear.

Nothing worse than being afraid to go pick up your mattress because you might wake Heather up from her afternoon nap and get smacked in the head with her Louisville Slugger. Not even Dr. Michael Mancini can live with that kind of drama.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

Introducing The Real Cape CodCast


This podcast is something we are going to try to do every few weeks from now on. This first one was a special occasion. Danchez, Insane Tony, Fat Kid, Niko and Billy team up to interview a bunch of people that were waiting to audition for The Real Cape reality show at The Beach House.

In case you weren’t there, it was a long wait… and the bar was open… hilarity ensues.

UPDATE: The embed isn’t working for phones, we are working on that, until then if you are on a phone CLICK HERE

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony