Video Of Fistfight At Chatham Committee Meeting Results In Firing Of Member

CHATHAM — In the wake of a widely publicized fight at a March 31 meeting, the selectmen have decided to remove David Davis from the town’s Waterways Advisory Committee.

Davis was involved in an altercation with Aunt Lydia’s Cove Committee Chairman Doug Feeney at a joint session of the two boards.

At that meeting, during a discussion about raising nonresident fees, an argument broke out that resulted in an outburst of foul language from both men and an exchange of blows that was quickly broken up. But the video of the fight spread on the Internet and led to apologies from Feeney and Davis.

What is the world coming to when two grown men can’t throw some blows over raising nonresident fees? Just the other day I put my fist through a wall just thinking about those damn nonresident fees. This isn’t some simple political problem like chicks with dicks in the ladies room, this is real life shit we are talking about here. Sometimes the only way to come to a conclusion on a matter as complicated as nonresident fees is to make a run at anyone who disagrees with you and throw a few haymakers. This is ‘Merica dammit.

I’ll tell you what, Feeney and Davis should both be on the waterways committee for life as far as I’m concerned. Go ahead and try to find anyone with more passion for Chatham’s waterways. If a grown man is willing to thrown down in an old fashioned fist fight over waterways? Over nonresident fees? You put that motherfucker on the waterways committee and you get the hell out of his way.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

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