Two More Great White Sharks Tagged Yesterday – Duxbury Would Declare Martial Law


I’m sure by now everyone has heard about that shark that some helicopter spotted off of Duxbury beach. They proceeded to close down the entire South Shore and evacuate everyone into bomb shelters on high ground. I’m pretty sure they can still only go into the water up to their ankles even days later.

Hey Duxbury, we had two Great White Taggings, YESTERDAY ALONE. Do you know how many beaches we shut down? Zero. So have fun with the anti Sharknado tanks rolling through your streets like World War III, we’ll be playing a friendly game of tag with our Great Whites down here if you need us… wusses.

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

Comments 4

  1. Oh fuck off Real Cape. You got some balls bashing the south shore. All summer Hippy has been advocating seal genocide because he's afraid of the ocean and now he's acting like fucking Quint all of a sudden.
    The beaches were closed for 2 hours, people were allowed to swim at their own risk. Jesus did you even read the article?
    Perhaps the Shark wised up and decided to leave the smack and tourist trap infested shithole that is Cape Cod to move to the vastly superior community that is the South Shore.

  2. I've defended your jokes a bunch of times in the comments of other articles. Im a fan.
    But you bashed on the south shore this time, so call it a taste of your own medicine.

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