Today In Cape Cod History – Barrier Beach Breached

breach – On this day in 1987, a nor’easter for the ages opened a breach in a barrier spit off Chatham, altering the coastal contours of the Outer Cape for years to come.

As the breach widened over the next two years, dredging became necessary to maintain an open channel for commercial fishermen and Coast Guard vessels.

The storm dumped up to a foot and a half of snow in some areas, packed winds of more than 50 mph and forced residents to evacuate many coastal areas.

I don’t know what it says about me but I root for storms. I don’t want anyone getting hurt or people’s property destroyed but I love shit like this. I love when mother nature reminds us of how tiny we are by altering something in one day that would take us weeks with all of our best machinery. We are arrogant enough to think that we can save the Piping Plovers from her wrath by roping off sections of beach, but she can remove entire sections of earth at the drop of a hat. Slow your roll humans, we aren’t in charge.

By far the best part of getting big snowstorms though is that it is perfectly acceptable to act like a complete alcoholic. Not only do you not feel bad drinking whiskey at 10 in the morning, you can even post about it on Facebook and nobody judges. I think it’s mother natures way of reminding us that working and going to school sucks and every once in a while we should just get drunk all day and play outside. I’d highly advise you listen to your mother and start drinking as soon as possible.

P.S. After you’ve been drinking a while come back to this post and say the second part of the title 10 times fast.

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