Today In Cape Cod History – 1978 – Entire Provincetown Postal Staff Arrested

ptownCapeCodToday.comPostmaster Jasper Stoddard, five clerks charged with embezzlement & fraud On this day in 1978,  newspapers all over America reported that the postmaster of the Cape Cod resort town of Provincetown and his entire clerical staff had been arrested and charged in connection with embezzlement of post office funds.

The culprits faced ten years in prison and a $10,000 fine if convicted.

According to the story below, investigators monitored the goings-on at the post office through a slot in the wall.

It was thought to be the only time in US history when an entire US Post Office staff was arrested.

Holy schnikeys! This is one of those articles that makes you realize that as bad as the thievery around here seems nowadays, things are getting better not worse. Sure we might have a convenience store getting robbed here and there but that’s nothing compared to an ENTIRE post office staff getting arrested for embezzling funds.

As shocking as this story is, the real surprise here is that there were six clerks working at the Provincetown post office in 1978. Talk about a scam, that’s gotta be like two people for every piece of mail. The clerks were probably doing the Lady and The Tramp Stamp where they each start licking from one end and meet in the middle. Provincetown in the ’70’s must have been quite a sight.

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