Today On Cape Cod In 1876 – “No More Beautiful Women or Worthier Wives” Than on Cape Cod

cape women – Cape Cod girls are as distinct a specter of femininity as they would be if they were mermaids, or say syrens (sic) … as many of them are…

But the Cape Cod girl – of course, she is a good girl; there are none better; she is never the ‘good little girl’ of Sunday school fiction, nor the bad grown up girl of every day fact, but a genuinely good girl, fit for any station, even to become the mother of Boston belles of the very best of society, as so many of them have become…

No more beautiful women or worthier wives come anywhere in the world than from there, from Cape Cod, and from along the shore of Massachusetts Bay generally.

Those are just a few excerpts from an article (click the link for the complete version) that was published on the front page of the Warren Ledger in Pennsylvania on this day in 1876. I don’t have anything funny to say. I just wanted to point out how amazing it is that absolutely nothing has changed in 138 years. AMIRITE LADIES?!

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