The Air Force At Joint Base Of Cape Cod Not Testing For PFCs – Facing EPA Fines

joint base cape cod – The Air Force cleanup program at Joint Base Cape Cod could face fines of up to $10,000 per week for failing to comply with a request to test for perfluorochemicals, an EPA official said Wednesday night.

Known as PFCs, they are an emerging contaminant, meaning they have not yet been linked to health issues in humans but studies on animals show they have ill effects. In New Hampshire, PFCs have been detected in drinking water supplies near the former Pease Air Force base and concerns are so high that state health officials are offering blood tests to people who have been drinking the water, according to published reports.

Hey EPA, you wanna know why the Air Force isn’t testing for PFCs at the Base? Because testing is going to show that the levels are somewhere around 3,647 percent. Asking if there are perfluorochemicals in the ground water below the Base is like asking if there is salt in ocean water. Ah, yeah, there is.

Can you even imagine what kind of crap they were dumping into the ground back in the day? Your grandfather drank jet fuel while puffing on a cigar. Even our parents smoked butts in airplanes cradling their babies in their arms for cripes sake, they just didn’t know any better. I would not be one tiny bit surprised if they found pure radiation and liquid AIDS in the groundwater underneath Otis.

P.S. I just naturally started calling it Otis by the end because that’s what it will always be. Eversource? NSTAR. Joint Base? Otis.

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