Introducing The Real Cape Apparel – Taking The Cape And Islands In A New Direction

real cape shirts


Our readers have been asking for this for a while now and it’s finally here. We put a ton of thought into this and we think it represents us well. The concept behind the compass is our belief that Cape Cod needs to move in a new direction. A direction where we,  the silent majority, have a voice.

Our goal has always been to vocalize the ideology of the people who believe in personal freedom and to call out the busybodies and the fun police whenever necessary. To represent the people that are too busy living their lives to worry about what everyone else is doing with theirs. If anything the unprecedented and rapid growth of this website has been a declaration of sorts for real Cape Codders. For the people who don’t take themselves too seriously and would like to see a change in the philosophy, attitude, and general status quo here on The Cape and Islands.

Call us romantics but we feel like the response to this website has been a manifesto of sorts and we see this apparel as a way for us to identify each other. If you see someone wearing one of these shirts there is a pretty good chance they are down to earth and pretty fucking cool. At the very least you can bet your ass that they have a sense of humor.

Oh who are we kidding, we all know that these shirts really just represent a bunch of sarcastic pricks who can’t help but laugh at shit like pictures of giant snow dicks!

If you dig ’em and you dig what this site is all about and happen to order one. Thank you, it will help us in our quest to keep expanding the content here at The Real Cape and more importantly it will keep us from having to do some kind of PBS style telethon. I think we can all agree that nobody wants to see that.



Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

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