Good News Cape Cod, Your Electric Bill Is Going Up 50% Next Month


NP – National Grid customers will see their electric bills jump nearly 50 percent from October to November, according to the company.

“This is quite a spike,” said John Howat, senior energy analyst for the National Consumer Law Center, who said the upcoming cost per kilowatt hour is a record high. He told the News Service, “This is a dynamic that’s occurring in the wholesale power market.”

This winter’s electric rates, which kick in Saturday, Nov. 1, will be 37 percent higher than last winter’s rates and 49 percent higher than current rates, according to National Grid spokesman Jake Navarro.

NSTAR, which serves portions of Metro Boston and Cape Cod, and Western Massachusetts Electric Company, which serves the western part of the state, are expected to file their rates in mid-November for a period beginning Jan. 1.

Seems legit.

NSTAR is just one of those companies that has us by the short and curlies. They can teabag us with higher prices whenever they want and we are powerless to stop them. What are you gonna do, boycott electricity? Nope… nuts to the face it is!

Can you imagine if your favorite sandwich shop raised their prices 50% overnight? How about if pumpkin beer were all of a sudden $25 a twelve pack at your local packy? It would cause social media activism not seen since KONY 2012, basic betches would be out in droves picketing the store in their North Face jackets, yoga pants, and Uggs. They would be boycotted and out of business in a week.

Not NSTAR though, they just jack our shit up on a whim and then throw some chemicals into the ground for good measure. Someone should really think about putting some windmills out in the ocean or something…

Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

Comments 30

  1. I locked in at the current rate for 3 years. Go to Viridian and choose them as your supplier. Gotta do it today before the rates go up.

  2. Be careful of alternate suppliers. They are not regulated by anyone. You REALLY need to ask questions, do your homework and read the fine print. See if they charge a joining fee or leaving fee, how much the rate is, how long it's good for, etc. Just like getting a cell phone, you gotta be educated before going in.

  3. Viridian was twice as much as my regular supplier. I use Gulf now. NStar is still the company that bills you. But you can choose your supplier.

  4. Yes, have you? When we had more draggers here on a regular basis, we had more fish. Any local lack of fish is not attributable to local day boats. It's pollution and the endless destruction of the inshore habitat. Get some info before you point and flush.

  5. Glad I bought a gas joetyl stove. All lights off when not in use. We should all reduce our usage.

  6. Steve Swain
    By displacing effort in the area affected, into other areas fished by other gears. By changing the existing dynamic, it will negatively effect everything. Besides there's a good chance that no one will be allowed near any of it. Then of course there's the transformer with 40,000 gallons of exttremely toxic transformer oil in it. Plus, while they are building the sediment and the water turbidity will block light making life for most small creatures unbearable…..

  7. John Rice You are making assumptions that are based on who-knows-what.
    "I deal in truth and facts, not hysteria or hyperbole." If that is so, you should do a little research into the "facts" you are shouting out to the public.
    I'm guessing your "facts" are coming from the Alliance to "Protect" Nantucket Sound…..

    First, "displacing effort in the area affected" assumes restrictions in the area. There will be none. (USCG report states this)

    Second, The transformer oil is Mineral Oil that is non-toxic and highly unlikely to ever spill as it will be on a ground mounted platform out of harm's way. The energy created by the turbines will offset power needed from Mirant who spews the very toxins that harm the inshore environment as well as who created the need for the barge of bunker fuel that was spilled in Buzz Bay.

    Third point has some validity. Turbidity and vibration during construction will not be favorable to sea life but you get the same issues from dredging a channel to keep access for fishing boats who require it.

    It is all a give and take but the environmental benefits will far outweigh the downsides.

    I urge you to do some reading to allay your fears. This project is good for everyone. We HAVE TO break our addiction to fossil fuels.

  8. Its a well known and documented fact that fish hate structure and off-limits areas. Such things have no benefits to breeding/foraging.
    Clearly bottom draggers are the only way to properly fish because it's so sustainable, just ask the Cod!

    Oh wait, your industry is suffering due to years of overfishing, and you're trying to grab every last dollar you can in some kind of undersea gold-rush.

  9. Steve Swain
    He's not getting it from junk science that NOAA and their ilk have "convinced" those who take a side w/o research and facts. UMASS/Rothschild proved that. A few years back when they caught Dale Jones of NOAA shredding docs, they simply moved him to another location w/in NOAA to bamboozle more idiots… you who close your eyes and head toward the slaughter house!

  10. I have noticed that Mr John Rice has quietly disappeared. Apparently the black ops folks at the Alliance didn't provide him with a script beyond his basic ranting. Fish on Mr. Rice.

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