The Cape Cod Canal Turns 100 In July – Week Long Celebration Planned


Yes my friends it has been 100 years since great men undertook an engineering feat for the ages. The Canal opened a trade route between Boston Harbor and the southern states that allows ships to avoid the time consuming and treacherous trip around the arm of Cape Cod.

So from July 25th through August 3rd there shall be a jubilant celebration with a multitude of activities to be capped off by a brilliant fireworks display. We shall celebrate the drive of men like August Belmont Jr. and William Barclay Parsons, for these are the men who left us with this magnificent waterway that helped bring the United States to economic prominence on the global stage.

And more importantly we celebrate that these fine men had the foresight to recognize what a shithole Wareham would become and were smart enough to dig a big fucking ditch to separate them from us.


Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie - Insane Tony

Comments 2

  1. what? the shit hole wareham would become? bahahahaha i must have forgotten how nice hyannis,yarmouth,dennis,the mills,and sandwich have become

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